20 August

My Peeps At The Bathroom Door

by Jon Katz

Every morning, when I come out of the shower, my peeps as I call them are waiting patiently, watching intently. I come out of the bathroom and we all walk over to the treat drawer, they sit calmly and wait their turn – by age.

Fate first, then Bud, then Zinnia. One of my training goals is to show the dogs they will all get what they want if they are patient, not if they are not. So they wait patiently, and then one by one, each takes their treat gently.

Zinnia goes into the living room, Bud takes his treat under the dining room table, Fate either runs into her crate or just eats it quickly by the kitchen door.

Fate is not a patient dog, she is always in a  hurry so she can be ready to work. I admit I love being greeted by my happy and sweet peeps, it is a nice way to start the day.


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