19 August

Bishop Maginn Gets Ready For School. Help Needed

by Jon Katz

Education is a very different experience for teachers and staff these days, at Bishop Maginn, the teachers, and School Secretary Christine Cioffi and Teacher Sue Silverstein are busy on their hands and knees mapping out social distancing patterns for their classrooms.

Sue took the picture. It is humbling to see how hard they are all working, and how worried they are about the safety of the children.

Thanks to the Army of Good for giving them the materials they need to open safely, from masks to special paper and signage. We are also helping to get laptops for the new students who need them when and if some of the classes end up going virtual.

I miss the school very much but am going to teach a virtual writing workshop until it’s safe for me to visit the school again.

I’m working on plans to drop Zinnia off and wait outside so she can continue her therapy training and work with the students there.

After all, they helped to train her. If you want to help Bishop Maginn get through this bizarre and demanding year, you can contribute via Paypal, jon@bedlamfarm.com or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Work, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

As the students arrive, I’ve asked the teachers and staff to notify me of special needs –  good shoes, sweaters, pants, socks, jackets. Some of these children will be hungry, and too shy to ask for help.

The teachers are very good at spotting kids who need support, and they have agreed to let me know. I’d like to build up a fund to be ready for that, school starts in a few weeks.

The teachers and staff are killing themselves to get ready and be as safe as possible. They have never known a year or a time like this. Thanks for your support.

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