13 August

One Man’s Truth: Trump vs. Harris: A New Nasty Woman #1

by Jon Katz

“I will not be trampled over.” — Cleopatra.

“The President’s mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the worst  economic crisis since the great depression, and we are experiencing a moral reckoning with racism and systemic injustice that has brought a new coalition of conscience to the streets of our country demanding change.” -Kamala Harris.


The narrative of the presidential campaign changed Wednesday night radically. It’s a whole new story.

It’s not Biden versus Trump any longer. Kamala Harris is now the future of the Democratic Party, and just possibly, part of the future of America.

She’s under President Trump’s skin, something almost none of his many male challengers could ever do. The meter by which to measure Trump’s fear of strong women is to count the number of times he calls them “nasty.”

In Trump’s universe, women are expected to be polite and deferential to men, even though he is the “nastiest” president in American history.

Before Wednesday, Nancy Pelosi was No. 1. Nasty Woman. She gets under Trump’s skin every day.

But last night and this morning, she was unseated by Harris, who The President of the United States took time out of his busy schedule to call her  “nasty” at least five times within a few hours.

Kamala Harris isn’t just the candidate for Vice-President, she is now No.1. Nasty Woman.

To President Trump nasty women are like those toy dolls, you pull the cord on one end, and the cord unravels. Last night, she pulled his cord. He unraveled.

Harris is also the new leader of the much larger Community Of Ambitious and Nasty Women gathering all over the country.

They are coming for Donald Trump and the horde of angry old – and quite often nasty –  white men who surround him and provide commentary on cable news and talk radio.

This is what we get for making it so easy for old white men to retire. They have nothing much to do but whine about how they’re getting screwed.  I think I’ll keep working.

Kamala Harris just won a permanent spot in his rearview mirror.

The race is now Trump against Harris. The campaign just got exciting. For those liberals wetting themselves over the prospect of another four years of Trump: follow Kamala Harris’s very good advice: do something.

Women who care about their country have had a rough time

Many women were thrilled at the prospect that Hilary Clinton would be the first women President of the U.S. When Trump surprised the world by winning the election, it was a shock – and to some a frightening one – that someone like Trump defeated the most disliked and most qualified candidate in history.

It seemed as if the world was thrown backward, and Trump seemed obsessed with making that bruising defeat as painful and disturbing as possible. He seemed to disregard or dismiss or eliminate a lot of hard-fought progress.

Quite understandably, many women fear that happening again, and it is truly frightening for them. There was a bit of Cleopatra in her speech Wednesday night, I remember Cleopatra’s famous vow: “I will not be trampled over.”

That seems a good anthem for the women rising up in America today. And now it is the old white men’s turn to be frightened. The stakes are hight for them as well.

There’s no excuse now.

Biden is 77 years old and does not have a long future in American politics.

In choosing Harris as his vice-presidential candidate, he is paving the way for her to run for President in 2024. The Republicans grasped immediately that she is the candidate they need to run again.

Potentially, Harris is the connection and potential spokesperson for the new America Trump and his supporters are so desperate to stop: the blacks, yellows, browns, whites, gay and straight, the young, the trans, the goo-goos and elitists, the demonstrators and protesters, the warriors of compassion and empathy.

Trumpism is essentially a displaced white person’s movement feeding off of racial and immigrant resentment and the loss of power and influence.

Kamala is the kind of woman they cannot even imagine, let alone tolerate. Get the armor out.

Unlike Joe Biden, Harris does have a long future in politics; she is 55, prosecutorial, a left-leaning centrist, experienced, ambitious,  and by all accounts, fearless.

She is eloquent, and she loves a good fight. Trump has been desperately trying to paint Biden as senile, but his fear and confusion are becoming more apparent every day as he gets old like the rest of white men. Yo-Semite?

I am 73 years old, I know what it’s like when things can get a bit fuzzy.

I don’t throw stones at anybody for forgetting words and names sometimes. (And no, I don’t need a proofreader or an editor, if I wanted one, I’d have one.)

Kalama Harris doesn’t need a face-to-face debate to chop up Trump.

She did it last night.

In the year of the virus, discussions don’t need to be face to face. It’s easier to beat Trump up from a distance, there are no distractions like cheering crowds or a stream of lies and insults.

He can’t shout and lie or interrupt her or try to spook her by dancing around. At times, Hilary looked like grandma trying to get out of the way of a  raucous rock band.

When Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic Vice-Presidential Nomination, two things happened.

The first was that Sarah Palin, the conservative firebrand from Alaska and a former Vice-Presidential candidate herself, sent Harris congratulations and some advice.

It was nice, woman-to-woman, not enemy-to-enemy. It was significant.

The second was that Trump started calling Harris names and lying about her positions and policies.

He doesn’t get it. Harris is the worst possible opponent for him. She is tough and quick and has a great instinct for the jugular, for her opponent’s weakest spot.

Trump is at heart a whirring bullshit machine, Harris cuts through dissembling and gets to the bone.

She can do it from anywhere,  it will make him even crazier.

The smartest thing to have done would have been to be cordial and dismiss her.  To make her entry into the race appear insignificant.  Instead, he just tossed her some juicy bones.

He’s only pissing off the other nasty women. And he looks weary and spooked.

Unlike the score of men he knocked over like bowling balls in 2016, Harris is charismatic, unflappable, and yes, attractive.  She can also fight dirty, as Biden learned.

You look at the two of them and you would just rather have a drink with her than the President. In politics, that is very important.

The camera loves her, and she can even remember to light up a room with a great big smile of joy and warmth when she needs to.

Her tribute to Biden’s son Beau had Biden in tears and touched the hearts of every person with a heart who was watching. She remembered (like  Andrew Cuomo always does) to talk about how important her family is to her.

And then, just a few minutes later, the shiv came out, and she diced and sliced President Trump without even taking the smile off of her face. That is a real politician.

It takes practice and skill to be devastating and warm at the same time.

Trump was not in the room with her to sputter and fog things up.

I had a boss once we all called the “velvet shiv” because he could be so sweet one second and fierce the other. She reminded me of him. He did very well in life.

With Palin, we saw one political woman reaching out to another political woman from a different party. The angry old white men couldn’t bring themselves to do that; they couldn’t wait an hour or a day before attacking her as just another obnoxious woman who couldn’t stay in her place.

They bring to mind a bunch of old bears being pushed out of their caves.

I will not be triumphed over. 

President Trump did not congratulate Harris, as was the custom with fellow candidates until Trump’s Presidency.

Instead, Trump welcomed Harris to the campaign by calling her “mad Kamala,” “nasty,” and “extraordinarily nasty.” These kinds of insults are so commonplace now, they are no longer news.

But women hear them, quite clearly. They knew what he is really saying.

I spent some time last night pondering the difference between “nasty” and “extraordinarily nasty” and the best I could do was the difference between my Aunt Fanny and my fourth grade English Teacher, Miss McCarthy.

She was extraordinarily nasty.

Harris has a long way to go to get to that level of nasty. Trump would pee in his pants if he pissed Miss McCarthy off.

Kamala Harris’s speech was outstanding, both in obvious and not so obvious ways.

One of the most important things that she talked about was the “coalition of conscience” that she saw forming against the racism and misogyny that have come to characterize President Trump and his new Republican Party.

I have been trying to write about this for weeks, and I was happy and a bit surprised to see that I might have been right.

Harris put herself on top of the most significant new social movement in modern American history – this vast and deep coalition of women seeking to make the country better and more equal and compassionate.

For some years now, I’ve seen that Trump has offended, but also frightened many women. I’ve asked a dozen female friends about this, and also Maria, my wife.

In Trump, they see men who are predators, who see women as objects (he has given his daughter Ivanka, a “10” based on his looks) to abuse and demean and control.

He has even bragged about sexually assaulting women. And he seems to single out women reporters and political opponents for particular abuse and intimidation.

Strong women seem to unhinge him. He seems familiar to them in a creepy and disturbing way. None of them have any trouble picturing him as the predator he has admitted being.

Marie Yovanovitch, the highly respected former Ambassador to Ukraine, said she was frightened by Trump’s attacks on her after she refused to help him investigate Joe Biden.

I was struck at how this powerful and accomplished and very tough ambassador was afraid of the President of the United States.

We learn again and again that sexual assault and abuse comes in many different ways.

Women see in Trump the fathers and bosses who have abused them, the people who have denigrated and humiliated them, the reporters who have patronized them, the bullying brothers, and patronizing boyfriends.

I think the media missed just how deep a wound for many women Trump’s victory was.

Just as most blacks I know have had frightening interactions with the police,  most women have been threatened or frightened by men.

Something is frightening about Trump to many women, and he seems to know that and smirk at it and use it to his political advantage.

He is the King Of the Displaced White Men in America, and as the first black Vice-Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris is one big target, Nasty Woman Number One.

This dynamic seems to be changing rapidly.

The MeToo movement means abusive and sexist males are no longer immune from punishment. Black Lives Matter – founded by women – have challenged an old and mostly white male policing structure they believe needs to be changed.

President Trump congratulated a newly elected Republican candidate named Marjorie Taylor Green, a supporter of the QAnon conspiracy cult,  on her election to Congress and.

Greene has frequently expressed racist videos online,  claims Democrats sexually molest children, complains about an “Islamic invasion of federal offices, and claims billionnaire philanthropist George Soros, who is Jewish, is a Nazi.

Trump said she was a new “Republican Star” and did not call her “nasty.

Greene said of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “she’s anti-American. And we’re going to kick that bitch out of Congress.”

On Fox News, various hosts called Harris an unethical
“time-share salesmen,” and “payday lenders. No one criticized Greene or question whether she should be seated in Congress.

Trump promised that the American”suburban housewife” would vote for him in November as soon as they realized minorities (back, yellow, and brown) would flock to the suburbs if she and Biden won.

He’s made fun of women’s breasts, their plastic surgery, even the fact that they have periods.

One Fox commentator suggested Harris wasn’t even black. (On the same show, taped just before the Biden-Harris press conference, another Fox News contributor said he had confirmed that Biden was not living in his Deleware house, but had been hidden away in a secret nursing home to hide his senility. (The President mispronounced “fatality” twice in an interview the same day.)

Just a year ago, President Trump called Speaker Pelosi a “nasty, vindictive, horrible person.” He called Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen “nasty” after she laughed at his interest in buying Greenland. During  the last debate of the 2016 presidential campaign, he called Hilary Clinton, a “nasty woman.”

Harris didn’t take the bait, like so many of Trump’s failed targets and opponents. She went after him over his horrific bungling of the coronavirus, and like any experienced courtroom lawyer, kept her eye on the prize – the pandemic of its tragic and widespread devastation of ordinary life while Trump golfed with his millionnaire pals and Lindsey Graham.

Interesting in Wednesday’s talks, Biden foresaw the savage attacks coming towards Harris and somewhat slyly asked other women to “have Kalama’s back.”

It was as if he sensed that women weren’t going to allow 2016 to happen again.

And there is already a lot of evidence that this won’t happen.

African-American women and politicians and academics all over the country flooded cable news channels and media stories to defend Harris debunk the idea that it is wrong for women to be ambitious, wrong to refer to them as “housewives” rather than “working mothers,” wrong to try to frighten them with racist fear-mongering.

It seems, Mr. President, that this is not your mother’s America. Black and white women have made it clear that they will not look away or be quiet in the face of those kinds of attacks. And they don’t call themselves “housewives” any longer, they are “stay-at-home mothers.”

These women are the Coalition Of Conscience – Black Lives Matter, the moms, MeToo, the tough black women mayors  (they were all over TV last night) – that Harris was talking about. So are the many black and women legislators in Congress and around the country.

I’ve been writing about these newly empowered women for weeks now, and I’m grateful to have a name for them. They are more than a wave in Democratic politics now; they are a tsunami, a coalition of conscience.

Women of all colors are sick of white men, and the obstacles and disrespect showed to them for centuries now.  They have had enough.

They do have each other’s back; I saw an African-American radical give an interview last night. She said both Biden and Harris are too moderate for her, especially now, but that she would support them fully.

She had two priorities that meant the most to her – removing “Predator Trump” from office supporting this new coalition of women from all over the country, gathering for a kinder and more compassionate America.

I have to be honest. As an old white man, I’m sick of white men too. They are wrecking my country and the world, and they need to get out of the way.

By design or accident, Harris is Hope Reborn; she seemed to bring the promise and drama of politics suddenly to life.

Biden is not sleepy, but he isn’t exactly explosive either. Harris was really on Wednesday night; she showed the world how to do it.

Overnight, Kamala Harris has become the leader of a movement that will push their worst offenders aside.

As an aging journalist wrote to me last night, “I love Kamala Harris. She’s just man enough to do it.” There was a pause.

“Is it okay to say that?” he wondered.

“No,” I said, not really. But I get what you mean.”

I had to laugh.


  1. Great writing Jon. Harris is a good choice and Trump most likely knows it, although he will never admit to it. I think that VP Pence needs to worry. Trump could drop Pence and choose someone that would give him more votes. Trump is so desperate to win that he is willing to try anything.

    1. Trump does not KNOW it…that is the problem. He without self reflection and hasn’t the social sensitivity to understand anything other than his stomach and his pee pee.

  2. Absolutely remarkable!!! Let all of us “NASTY” women do our thing!!! Thank you for an incredible piece❤️????❤️

  3. One boss of mine who was giving me a lecture (I was a medical secretary) said that if you don’t get anything else right, spell their name correctly. It made me very sensitive to the very personal thing that is one’s name. Spell it right. Not Kalama, a city in Washington state, but Kamala. Please.

      1. Kalama Harris doesn’t need a face-to-face debate to chop up Trump.

        She did it last night.

        This is a cut and paste from your post.

      2. “have Kalama’s back”. It was a typo. It’s spelled correctly elsewhere. That’s different than not caring about the spelling, or deliberately getting the name wrong (like the fool, Tooker Carlson). Excellent piece. “Some” might even call it “nasty”.

  4. I love Kamala and I love your characterization of the current situation we find ourselves in. I’m a 61 year old woman and I will tell you you’ve hit the nails on their heads. All of them have been reflected in my experience with men. Almost exclusively white men. I have, in deed had enough of their nonsense. I am in a relationship with a good white man. They are not all “like that”. But far too many are. They seem to feel entitled. The entire Patriarchal system has been set up for it. Women have been expected to forfeit their names and identities for their husbands. The whole system needs substantial change. I hope I live long enough to see a lot more change in that direction. We will all benefit.

  5. Another spot on column! I think Kamala will continue to be Trumps worst nightmare. I have heard commentary that she will excite the electorate similar to what Barack Obama did in 2008. She is poised, articulate, and can make her point concisely . Joe Biden could not have made a better choice. Kamala may be debating Mike Pence in October, but she will be tearing Trump and his policies and administration to shreds every day.

  6. A great article! It’s 2020 and strong women are still called bitches. Trump calls them nasty. Same thing. I can’t speak for all women but over the years I’ve experienced my opinions dismissed by men. Too many times to go into. But I’m no marshmallow, so I guess I’m a “nasty” woman. Some of these men have seen how bitchy I can get.

  7. Great column. I think it was Neil Degrasse Tyson who coined the phrase “Let’s Make America Smart Again” after the 2016 election. Maybe Senator-Vice President Candidate Harris can help us do that.

  8. I agree wholeheartedly and as a 71 yr old white woman, I am doing all I can to get that SOB and his cronies out of office. I did smirk a bit when you said “ if you needed a proofreader- you would have one.” You definitely do need a proofreader as your little misspellings and grammatical errors occur pretty often and are distracting from your brilliant writing.

    1. Jane, my suggestion to you would be to start your own blog and hire all the proofreaders you want… You won’t find one here. Usually when people ask me about proofreaders I says sure, send me a check. They usually disappear. But I don’t want a proofreader even if they did pay for it. I love my blog, I work very hard on my stories and my research. I have no apologies to make to you or any other rude people who send me messages like that..That’s the way it is, I don’t intend to argue about it, take it or leave it..

      1. I want to add that I feel no necessity to defend myself for what I write and how I choose to write it. I worked long and hard on that piece, which went viral, and I am proud of it. I published it as soon as I was finished and was overwhelmed by the gracious response with so much money. Typos are not important to me, messages are. That might be right or wrong, but it’s the way I choose to do it with the very limited resources I have. I’m glad my blog and my writing is free, otherwise, I’d have to deal with so much more bullshit.

    2. Agree. A friend sent me your piece on Kamala Harris, and I appreciated your insights but was stopped by wrong words which changed the meaning. I’m an old proofreader and don’t mean to “find fault” with anyone’s work; I enjoyed your piece very much. Would fixing those wrong words make it flow better? Certainly.

      1. Barbara, I am well aware of what proofreaders and editors do for writers, having written 26 books. I really don’t need a lecture about it. I’m sorry to be repetitive, and I sincerely mean no disrespect, but if you find my meaning hard to follow because of my writing, then that is a serious problem and you should go elsewhere. If it isn’t a serious problem, then please stop wasting both of our time. I’m here to talk about Kalama Harris not your idea of my grammar. Please feel free to contribute to a discussion I think is important.

  9. I am a legal alien with a green card and all the possessions to make me legal, but now with Harris in the hot seat I would consider becoming a citizen in her honor. In the beginning of Trump’s campaign I found him laughable, but once he was elected I became more and frightened and worried about ” make America great again!” I feel currently we have a chance at ” making America compassionate and good ” again now that we 2 very smart and more than capable people to show us and lead us in the right direction!

  10. Ha! I almost choked when you mentioned women (and yourself) are sick of old white men. I’ve been saying that for 30+ years but ending with “telling me what I can and cannot do with my own body.” And I hear you about the proofreader (I didn’t mean to offend). I’m the Grammar Police and proud of it. Your description of the other evening with Joe and Kamala was spot on. I loved it!

  11. So astute you are, Jon, in comparing racial abuse to female abuse. Both have left deep scars. Like black mothers and fathers who had to give their children “the talk,” mostly mothers of daughters had a talk too. Fathers just never wanted their daughters to date? Why do you think that is? They worried about us because they knew. I’ve no doubt Kamala Harris will be a great representative for both “Black Lives Matter” and “Me Too.” Biden did good for an old white man.

  12. From across the Atlantic…
    “Trumpism is essentially a displaced white person’s movement feeding off of racial and immigrant resentment and the loss of power and influence”. Very true!

    Jon, you are spot on – this is a gentle reminder for those still claiming that the Republican party is not Trump. They have been wagging their tails and hiding behind the ‘new’ GOP and watched silently as Trump’s wrecking ball destroyed the ethics and values of the party. It is a displaced movement, there is no doubt.

    Kamala Harris, not Joe Biden, is Trump’s nightmare. She has everything – integrity, intellect, humility, empathy and she is non-white, each on its own merit can destroy this sociopath. Trump will not know what hit him and it can be stuff that usually hit the fan.

  13. Jon, I love your writing and I look forward every morning to reading them. Today I was disappointed not with your writing but with your response to Betty Stone. You dismissed her comment re misspelling Ms Harris’ first name and in so doing you acted just like the angry white men who dismiss women’s comments without even checking their veracity. TSK, TSK. Big men admit they can and do make mistakes.

    This proves Betty Stone was right: You wrote, I don’t throw stones at anybody for forgetting words and names sometimes. (And no, I don’t need a proofreader or an editor, if I wanted one, I’d have one.)

    Kalama Harris doesn’t need a face-to-face debate to chop up Trump.

    Keep writing your wonderful articles but remember pride comes before the fall.

    1. Monica, I call this conversation a pimple in the ass of life..I am sorry for anyone who has nothing more important to worry about in 2020 than that I misspelled Kamala Harris’s name once in a post where I mentioned her about 50 times. If you care so much, bless you, Do something. This isn’t it. Same to you Betty.

  14. I have an African American woman friend that I worked with years ago at Cook County. We are still in touch and talk from time to time. We’ve talked about patriarchy. She tells me that it can be just as bad among African American men. She tells me that there are many of them the do not want black women to collaborate with white women. Patriarchy is patriarchy no matter the race or ethnicity. I finding it tiring no matter the direction it comes from.

    I too would like a t-shirt saying coalition of conscience.

  15. You wrote, “At times, Hilary looked like grandma trying to get out of the way of a raucous rock band.” I agree Hillary was doing her best to ignore him but watch so she didn’t gt trampled. Sorry but, The Donald’s performance at that debate looked to me like a four year old who needed a bathroom break. I wish she’d offered him one.

  16. You wrote, “At times, Hilary looked like grandma trying to get out of the way of a raucous rock band.” I agree Hillary was doing her best to ignore him but watch so she didn’t gt trampled. Sorry but, The Donald’s performance at that debate looked to me like a four year old who needed a bathroom break. I wish she’d offered him one. Your electronic monitor is telling me I’ve already said this. I haven’t.

  17. Spot on. Thank you from Canadians who care, I reposted for all my liberated women friends, who supported the first wave of feminism in the 60’s.

  18. Jon, you are one of my favorite bloggers! You, must be married to an extraordinarily “nasty” woman! You, soooo “get it” I too, want a bumper sticker that says “Coalition of Conscience.” Thank you, for speaking “truth to power!”

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I think I am very fortunate to be married to Maria, she has taught me so much about the wonder of strong women…

  19. Brilliantly written, and very on-point.

    My husband, another old white guy, would applaud this as well.

    But, since you brought up not needing a proofreader or an editor, there were two errors that probably should have been caught by yours. If there were others, I missed them too. Of course, like most people, I’m better at editing other works than I am my own, which I usually catch after I submit, post, &c.

    “In choosing Harris as his vice-presidential candidate, he is paving the way for her to run for President in 2024. The Republicans grasped immediately that she is the candidate they need to run again.”

    “In Trump, they see men who are predators, who see women as objects (he has given his daughter Ivanka, a “10” based on his looks) to abuse and demean and control.”

    1. Kristina, you may want to read the New Yorker instead of me, they have a lot of proofreaders and I love their content. I enjoy them very much, though they are much more expensive than me….My blog is not the New Yorker, and I write an awful lot and work very hard for myself (and for free). The New Yorker can afford proofreaders, bless them. If I cause you heartburn, no one is keeping you here…you missed a bunch of other typos…You might need a proofreader to keep track of mine..:)

      1. Don’t be terse or “Trumpish.”. Install “Gramerly” to assist you in proofreading. It’s free. What you have to say is relevant. Don’t lose your momentum or the authenticity of your voice and message to errors! Best wishes.

        1. Anne, don’t be arrogant or ill-informed, I’ve used Gramerly for several years, I like my blog just the way it is…Don’t tell me how to write, thanks..

        2. I find it fascinating that so many people – like Anne think that after writing books for 46 years (26), I need lectures on relevance, momentum, and authenticity. Your message, Anne, reminds me of why I love writing on my blog rather than working again for publications who care more about grammar than meaning. I’m not changing my blog of the way I write for anyone, no matter how earnest and well-meaning they are. If people don’t like the way I write, then they should go elsewhere and stop sending me annoying and pompous messages. I don’t care about typos and grammar, I care about expressing myself freely and in my own way. I’m sincerely sorry that troubles people, but that is your problem. I don’t have a problem.

  20. Yes this country has been damaged enough by conservative, chauvinistic, racist, and homophobic Republicans that protect white privilege. Benefit the wealthiest. Pass laws to favor large corporations. Dictate how the rest of us should live our lives. They scoop up the voters that basically vote on one issue. One issue like anti abortion laws or loosening of gun control. These one issue voters vote Republican even though the Republican economic plans do not benefit them. Conservatives hide their selfishness and greed behind religious values that they really don’t give a rats ass about. The table is about to turn with a vengeance.

  21. Unlike so many of the Democratic elite who bring spoons to fights, Kamala brings a Samurai sword.

    Also yesterday, in an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Trump said of New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “AOC was a poor student. I won’t say where she went to school, it doesn’t matter. This is not even a smart person, other than she’s got a good line of stuff. I mean she goes out and she yaps.” AOC retorted, “Let’s make a deal, Mr. President. You release your college transcript. I’ll release mine, and we’ll see who was the better student. Loser has to fund the Post Office.”

  22. What a great and inspiring post.

    I hope to follow Kamala’s lead. Every woman, including myself, should aspire to become a “nasty woman”. I want to be worthy of the title.

    Ladies of all colors and backgrounds; together, linking arms/hearts/minds, we can join behind Biden/Harris.

    We can defeat the evil old white man that would proclaim himself King.

  23. Thank you. Well said! With all due respect, please consider a proofreader. At my count you made eight spelling and word-choice errors including spelling Ms. Harris’ first name wrong. Keep writing and may your pen remain mightier than your sword!

    1. With all due respect, Anne (I don’t see much respect) please don’t tell me how to run my blog. If you can’t follow my meaning, you really should do yourself the favor of going elsewhere. Good luck with it.

  24. Thank you for expressing what so many women are thinking !
    Trump has no grace and makes his fear of strong women known in a degrading manner . If being a strong intelligent woman who is also kind and empathic is what Harris represents … count me in !
    Trumps legendary misuse of power and women will defeat him …. I pray !!!
    I am a 73 year old woman who worked for years in a male dominated world and I never saw abuse to the extent that Trump exhibits !!!! It may have helped that I grew up with 4 brothers and raised 3 sons who are respectful of women ! I was able to succeed …. but it wasn’t always easy.
    I did need to work harder and be more prepared at my job than my male predecessors!
    Please continue to share thoughts that echo what many of us are thinking !

  25. LOVED the piece about Kamala Harris – New Nasty Woman #1.
    I am an old white woman who longs to see a positive change in this beloved country of mine. At 86 years of age I wish I could “do something” but I’m praying for all who can!
    Love reading your articles!

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