“Jon: Sadly, It may very well be that this is why he (Trump) will win in November. His soulless sycophants are motivated, and his abettors will be activated as surely as in 2016. What was done to Hillary will be done to Biden.
I hope I am wrong. – John”
John, with all due respect, I believe you are wrong, and you are so wrong you don’t even see the gaping hole in your message.
Perhaps if you were as motivated as you believe Trump’s followers are, you would be more concerned with defeating him than doing his public relations through your sense of doom.
From the first, I’ve been annoyed by messages like John’s. I get them every single day, and I usually refrain from writing what I am thinking: why are Trump’s opponent’s such wussies?
During the same period I’ve been getting those worried messages, I have never seen or read a message from a supporter of President Trump doubting that he will win or that he should win. I have never seen one word from anyone in the Trump biosphere that reflects the slightest doubt that he will be re-elected in the Fall.
I resist judging others, and I feel superior to nobody. I am testosterone deficient. Still, I follow the spiritual idea about courage: it’s not about whether you win, it’s about how you handle challenge and loss.
Donald Trump has given me the gift of determination.
John Lewis, a person of eternal inspiration, and great credentials for being strong wrote that “nothing can stop the power of a committed and determined people to make a difference in our society. Why? Because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on this planet.”
Let’s grow up: the vicious attacks on Hilary Clinton were not the only reason for the outcome of that election.
If that were true, Donald Trump would have never made it near the White House.
I am clear in my mind that President Trump’s dizzying decline is irreversible for many reasons, which I have been writing about in detail and at great length.
If, for some reason, I am wrong, I will own up to it, continue to live my life, do my work, commit small acts of great kindness, and love my wife and dogs.
I’m not descending into fear and gloom on behalf of Donald Trump. I’m not getting on the gloomsplaining train.
John didn’t mention that this morning a bunch of moms teamed up with the Black Lives Matter movement to haul the Trump administration into court. Or that Trump has been doing everything but setting himself on fire to make sure he is defeated.
John also didn’t mention that the movement for a kinder America is more robust than it has been in decades, or that the Democratic candidate for President grows more and more popular by the day without leaving his house.
People are marching all over the country, black and brown, white and yellow for a different kind of America.
That brings hope to me, I’m sorry it doesn’t bring hope to John.
Can we borrow some of the mojo and dedication of those Portland moms, who seem not to be afraid of anything? If anybody ought to be afraid, Trump ought to be frightened of them. If they were marching on me, I’d run and hide.
In addition to marching into a wall of tear gas every night, the moms and Black Lives Matter went to Washington today to sue the Trump administration for violating their rights to free speech.
That is a truly holy alliance, depending on your beliefs. They aren’t just complaining. They are doing things.
They are seeking relief for the federal government’s use of force in suppressing nightly demonstrations in Portland and for overreaching federal authority. They are also suing to remove Chad Wolf, the acting director of Homeland Security who may well be in office illegally.
I don’t hear the moms fussing about the inevitable victory of the federal agents or the Trump administration who have invaded Portland on behalf of the President’s re-election efforts. They are putting on their masks and marching.
They mean to win.
Every day since I began writing about politics I’ve gotten one or more messages like the one from John, people telling me that they are worried, pessimistic, unsure.
People say they have this feeling that Donald Trump will be re-elected in the Fall and that Trump and the Republican Party will find a way – legal or not – to smear and defeat Joe Biden.
Sometimes I feel like I’m supposed to be that kind old grandpa who pats them on the back and assures them everything will be okay. If so, I’ve failed, I’m not the right person for that.
I have always jumped at the chance to get into good trouble.
It is an almost religious belief among Trump’s loyal supporters and working-class Americans that Democrats, liberals, journalists, boomers, yuppies, city dwellers, and progressives believe they are stupid, bigoted, and without moral values or scruples.
I’m beginning to think they are right.
If Trump should, by some remote chance, win the November election, we will only have ourselves to blame. Fear is contagious, so is hopelessness. So is a failure of will or confidence.
If you wish to understand why I so strongly believe that President Trump will not win re-election, just look at the news today.
One day ago, Trump finally listened to his desperate advisers and decided to mimic a real President by deciding to lead the fight against the pandemic maturely and responsibly.
Poll after a poll found that Americans were disappointed in his leadership. So he pretended to lead.
Today, he took it all back. Leadership is not something you can put on like a mask.
Trump retweeted a video in which a group of doctors makes false and discredited claims about the virus, including one who says, “you don’t need masks” because hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug pushed by the President and pals is a “cure” in combination with other drugs.
He resumed pressuring schools to open up, whether health authorities say it is safe or not.
The video he retweeted, which went viral on YouTube, was removed by Facebook and Twitter and then by YouTube because it spread demonstrably false information.
Trump’s effort to turn his plunging poll numbers around by taking charge of the pandemic crisis instead of downplaying or ignoring it, lasted one day. Like the farmers around here say, you can’t dress up a hog.
President Trump is simply not capable of managing a trip to the bathroom without lying or dividing or blowing through our constitution. Something is just not right with him.
While Americans were dying all over the country, he was fuming over Dr. Fauci’s invitation to throw out the first ball of the season in the Washington Nationals Ball Park.
Trump immediately lied, he told reporters he had been invited to throw out the first pitch when Yankee Stadium opened up to baseball on August 15. It turns out he was never invited at all, the Yankees had no idea what he was talking about.
Trump’s effort to distract Americans from the pandemic by sending Star Wars federal troopers into Portland has not brought that city under control or “dominated” it; it has dangerously escalated the violence there to the point where more people and federal agents and protesters are being hurt, and some may even be killed.
There is no good reason for this to be happening.
Trump looks like the progressive’s best friend to me. In another four years, he might make American the most enlightened country in the world just by existing.
President Trump has inspired and motivated some of the most powerful and ascendant moral movements in American history — Me, Too, Black Lives Matter, the Wall Moms, the national movement to removed Confederate statues. They are all growing rapidly.
I can only speak for myself; I don’t tell other people what to do. I don’t have a lot of respect for whining and gloom. This is 2020, not 2016. The pundits say there is a lot of time for Trump to bound back.
The pundits are full of gas.
I believe we have it in our power to make this country better, kinder, and more compassionate again. And we have the power to blow it, of course. It’s exciting.
Amazingly, Black Lives Matter and the death of George Floyd have focused attention on racism and our true American history more than any other group ever has.
Black Lives Matter is now the largest social movement in the history of America, something I would not have believed possible when President Trump took office.
Trump’s refusal to pay his respects to Lewis at his memorial service said a lot about the hardness in his soul. And the small way he thinks. It also says a lot about his ability to climb out of this awful mess he has made for himself.
It would have cost him nothing to go to the Capitol, and it might have actually made a difference among the African-American community, which he claims to have supported more than any other president but Lincoln.
Ironically and tragically, no one in the country needs help and support more than Trump’s most passionate and loyal followers – working-class white men and women who have also been left behind.
They have lost their work, their farms, their factory jobs, their Main Streets; their children die in staggering numbers from a drug overdose, unemployment, plunging life expectancy, suicide, and hopelessness.
One of President Trump’s greatest crimes has been to abandon these people once again, using and exploiting them and then gorging on the new and bigger swamp he has built but promised to destroy.
I believe a real progressive, a true radical, cares about anyone needy and vulnerable, not just a chosen few. For the country to ever know peace, they will need some help.
Living on my farm, far outside the scrub, I perceive Donald Trump differently than John. Yes, I get afraid sometimes, and yes, I doubt myself often. Sure, I worry about my country.
I was a police reporter for some years before writing about politics, I know that it is evil in the world.
But I am not afraid of Donald Trump.
And I am not going to waste one-minute wetting myself about what might or might not happen four months from now. All anybody can do is the best that they can for as long as they can.
I’ve signed up for that.
I’m going to continue doing what I can to offer calm, useful, and hopefully honest help to people struggling to make sense of things.
So far, so good.
The pandemic has unmasked him, like Count Dracula getting caught out in daylight. This pandemic is his sun, he has revealed his true self, and he is not capable of changing it, because what you see is what you get, there is nothing else in there.
Mary Trump hit it right on the nose. He can’t strategize, he couldn’t manage, he can’t listen. He can fascinate, but he can’t inspire. As Tulsa proved so poignantly, even those loyal fans won’t risk everything for him, as he was so sure they would.
These people are suffering much more during the Trump years than the liberals and progressives whining and fretting about surviving him and defeating him have suffered.
To me, everything is possible now; everything is on the table.
Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts, said Churchill. Real courage, said Atticus Finch, is when you know you’re licked before you have begun, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. Courage, not fear, wrote Maya Angelou is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.
It takes a good deal of courage to do good, bring about change.
My inspiration for the week is John Lewis, who had a lot of courage, and brought about real change. He was thrown in jail more than 40 times, beaten up, and kicked more times than that, and he said he was never once afraid in all that time.
Speaking at the Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, on March 1 of this year, Lewis said, “get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.’
Go out and get into good trouble, John.
This Friend speaks my mind.
Thank you for this sanity, this eloquence, this grounding reminder of what matters.
Our son in law is 100% convinced Trump will be re-elected. He sees things glass half empty and after he drove around our south central PA county visiting antique stores he is even more convinced. He arrived at our home and said he hates our county and how can we stand living here with all of the Trump signs and flags in yards. Trump stuff bring swarmed over and buying frenzy at the antique store. The Confederate flag proudly flying and vendor after vendor selling that too. He was disgusted and it just solidified his belief Trump will win. It’s so discouraging to hear someone resigned to it. We certainly aren’t and am not sure where he was seeing all of the flags and signs but yes the antique vendors know the trump stuff and confederate flag stuff sells. We see our county as very different from 2016. He just doesn’t believe us.
An inspiring piece for sure. It has motivated me to let everyone know I plan to work to get back the soul of this country. I will get a Black Lives Matter sign and place it in my yard. It’s important we all stand up to the hatred in any way we can. And for heavens sake VOTE!!!
All I can say today, is PERFECT! 🙂
Not sure if I am allowed to copy and paste this, but I got a feed on my Yahoo News that you might be interested in reading. It is about former GOP Chair, Michael Steele. I believe Michael Steele needs to share this information with everyone who wants Trump defeated. Here is a copy of the article:
Ex-RNC Chair Gives Portland Protesters A Cheat Sheet On Ducking Trump’s Troops
Michael Steele, the former chair of the Republican National Committee who is now a prominent critic of President Donald Trump, has some advice for the protesters in Portland, Oregon. Portland is among a number of cities where protesters have been demonstrating against police violence on Black people since the May 25 killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis. In recent weeks, Trump has sent armed federal law enforcement agents to quell the protests, ostensibly to protect federal property.
But on Monday, Steele said it was really to create a narrative to fit Trump’s reelection script. He told protesters to avoid playing into it.
“There are plenty of other sites and areas inside Portland and elsewhere around the country that aren’t federal,” he said, adding:
“Do not give the president the link he’s looking for to connect that dot. Go to state property. Go to a mall. Go someplace else. But you don’t have to open that Pandora’s box of crazy that Trump wants to open and have a cellphone there ready to videotape your actions and reactions and play it back in his campaign commercials to say, ‘See? I told you. This is the America they want.’”
Steele also said Trump would use those images to boost his “law and order” narrative.
“These people are out there protesting Donald Trump, he flips the script and makes it as if they’re protesting against average everyday Americans, hard-working Americans just trying to get a paycheck,” Steele warned.
See more of his discussion with MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace above.
One of the things you have helped me to realize is I have judged & generalized ‘the Trump Voter’. They would probably call me a liberal coastal elite & I would scoff at being made into an avatar of Fox News. But you have helped me see I have done the same thing for the non college educated white Trump voter.
One thing that has really helped is to look at the testimonials on the “Republican Voters Against Trump” website. You can hear the angst & soul searching they have gone through the last 4 years. You can see how many believed the business man on The Apprentice was real. But what I am most impressed with is the bravery they show saying they are voting for Biden even though it goes against their political ideals. That they are going to forego many things they feel are important because they are voting to preserve democracy. It humbles me. It is so hard to admit you were wrong.
I have really seen how I have demonized ‘the other side’. I am embarrassed how I made fun of Romney. I simply didn’t like his policies but instead I attacked him as a person. Is that any better than what Trump is doing?? It is just scarier because Trump has the power of the presidency.
I do believe Trump will lose, I worry about what will happen if he doesn’t lose in a landslide or if due to mail in ballots we don’t have a winner for a week or so.
But I am also seeing the rebirth of America. America’s ideal of individualism has really just been selfishness for many a decade. It is so heartwarming to see American’s not standing up for their rights but standing up for others rights. To see wall of mom’s hook up with BLM. Vet’s standing up for mom’s & dad’s. Your work with refugees. The support for immigrants & LGBTQ+.
Many a day I feel helpless. But I have my BLM & Biden flags in my front yard. I have started social distance speech through T-Shirts that can be seen when I walk my dogs around my neighborhood – “I can’t breathe, black lives matter”, “Vote”, “Biden 2020, Restore the soul of American”.
One of my favorite sayings is “The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off”….. that about sums up 2020 for me.
There are more registered Democrats than Registered Republicans, and there are more registered Independents than Republicans for the first time in history.
“Hope is a thing with feathers.” – Emily Dickinson
To vote is our right. We must do it in November 2020.
Thanks Jon, for so eloquently saying what is in my mind, heart and soul. You are a compass for truth.