25 July

My Tree Hugger Girl

by Jon Katz

I knew early on that I had married a Tree Hugger, and being no fool, I became one.

Whenever we walk anywhere, Maria spots a tree she wants to talk to, listen to, rub, or sit in, if possible.

We found a great tree while walking in Bennington on the way to visit Robert Frost’s burial site, a place I’ve wanted to visit for a long time.

This huge and old tree had forked, and in the woods, Maria always goes and sits in the seat and soaks up the energy of the tree. I loved this photo, it just touched my heart.

I’m usually not there.

When we got home, Maria rushed into my office and told me she had just spotted a caterpillar in some milkwood.

I wondered why this was so exciting until I remember caterpillars in milkweed are Monarch Butterflies waiting to be born, and Maria loves butterflies and she just finished a book about which I heard a great deal about.

She rushed out with her camera and got a photo of the butterfly and rushed in to show me. Then she rushed out again a few minutes later because she thinks she potted a butterfly egg.

I really love being married to someone like that. You end up having no choice but to love life.


  1. Do you know the title of the butterfly book that Maria finished? I understand Maria and the excitement she feels when she sees the butterflies.?

  2. Beautiful Pic! I can, very much, relate to Maria’s love for trees! I’m a Tree Hugger too! We have some beautiful, very old trees in my sweet village of Manistee. I walk the neighbor and as I pass these magnificent trees I always stop and put my palm on their trunk and thank them and have a quick chat……..

  3. This is beautiful. I haven’t been seeing very many butterflies this year. I read that the Monarch Butterfly count is down so low this year (50%) that it has put them in the category to be in danger of extinction. This news made me not want to live in this world anymore. I don’t know why it was this news when everything else has been so wrong. But I also get my grounding and hope and love from trees, and this reminded me to hug some trees soon.

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