23 July

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I Am Someone’s Daughter”

by Jon Katz

Please pardon me for putting up more than one political piece in a single day.

I thought Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s speech to the House of Representatives tonight was historic and I was moved to share it with you. My inbox is flooded with messages about it, it has brought many women to tears already.

Me too.

To me, Cortez represents the best of America. A bright, hard-working child of immigrants who was elected to Congress by a sheer drive and hard work and has already left a deep mark on the world.

I hope to be alive to see what she has done in ten years.

I don’t need to agree with everything she does to admire her and respect her. And she doesn’t need me to do it, it would be patronizing.

Yesterday, a reporter in Washington clearly heard Republican Representative Ted Yoho call Cortez a “fucking bitch.” In a mealy-mouth and cowardly attempt to apologize, Yoho refused to admit what he was heard saying and mumbled something about loving his country.

Yoho called her “crazy and dangerous” among other things. He was rude and intrusive. He called her disgusting. A reporter for The Hill, said Cortez’s description of what happened was accurate, word for word.

He should be ashamed of himself, not only for what he said but for his cowardice in failing to apologize for it. In so doing, he tarnished himself even more and shamed men everywhere.

In her speech, Cortez talked about what makes a decent man. What makes a decent man, she said, is “treating people with dignity and respect.” I watched this video three times and cried each time.

And Cortez cemented her position as a new American hero.

It was too much for Cortez to bear, so she shocked the House of Representatives with her response. I’ve written often about civility and the degrading ways in which we speak to one another in America and online.

I thought Cortez’s response was historic, no matter what anyone’s politics are.

But she has spoken out bravely and openly about the cruelty and incivility that is tearing our country into pieces.

I really need to share it. You can listen to it here.


  1. I watched her response this morning. It was fabulous. She’s mightily articulate. Not to sound insolent but I thought that Yoho got his ass handed to him.

  2. AOC is an incredibly eloquent young woman. She is absolutely correct when she says that a man is giving permission to other men to disrespect his wife and daughters. I am so proud that she is speaking up. Bullies only hold power when they think you won’t fight back. I hope Mr. Yoho’s wife and children heard this and are mortified by his behavior. I would be.

  3. I could not be more proud of her if she were my own daughter. She cuts to the chase. Her constituents ate lucky to have her representation.

  4. Even if he came right out, admitted what he said then apologized, it wouldn’t be sincere. She eloquently put it to him justly so. Good for her.

  5. Yes I watched this twice. I was so proud to see her speaking out and standing her ground. I am happy you posted about this and support her. We need to spread the word. This country is in grave danger for many reasons. I await May Trumps book and have enjoyed her podcasts. Thanks for your political commentary.

  6. Gee, wasn’t it AOC that wanted to do away with all fossil fuels and cow farts while she was hopping on a commercial plane. Perhaps she would get a more sympathetic audience if she could stop being such an incredible moron.

    1. I don’t know, Bob, how big is your audience? Ocasio-Cortez has millions of followers, what great ideas do you have for helping the earth? You remind me of a cow fart now that I think of it…

  7. In the 70s and 80s we were always told to keep your chin up no matter what and never cry. Especially when climbing the corporate ladder. Things are quite different now as far as showing emotion in the workplace. She will see alot more and experience alot more as she gets older.

  8. This morning, 7/24/20, I saw and heard AOC’s complete speech on http://www.democracynow.org. It was one of the best speeches by anybody in Congress I’ve ever heard. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a wonderful addition to the United States House of Representatives. I wish I could say the same for my U.S. Representative in Congress. And to think the Democratic elite threw their entire weight against here when she first ran. She slaughtered their choice.

  9. Gone are the days when women behave. Gone are the days of women diminishing themselves to keep the peace, as in the Charlie perfume commercial of the 70’s, “bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and all the while make him think he’s a man”. I am thankful for the gumption and courage of AOC to call abuse when it presents AND expose the person who does it. You may not agree with a woman but by damned you will not disrespect and bully anymore.

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