22 July

Chickens. He Who Brings Worms Is Loved

by Jon Katz

I’ve had my issues with chickens, I got on their bad side when I used the garden hose to drive them off of the back porch, where they suddenly decided they wanted to poop.

After a while, they fled at the sight of me, which bothered me. So knowing what food means to animals, I bought a big bag of mealworms, one of their favorite and healthiest snacks.

I go outside, make a chicken noise, and when they come running – they do now – I pour a generous helping of mealworms onto the ground, and they industriously and enthusiastically peck away.

They don’t run away from any longer, and I don’t hose them off the porch any longer. There are some lessons in that.

He who brings worms to chickens is loved.


  1. My grandmother used to open the front door and toss her dishwater out. This would bring all the bugs to the surface and the hens came running. We lived on a farm and of course there was no lawn to be had, mostly bare earth. I would trade my development house for that farm . We know hindsight is 20/20.

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