21 July

Strong Women Care Nothing For Rules

by Jon Katz

She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. ‘Time’ for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like freshwater.” – Roman Payne

Kelsie is my newest addition to my gallery photographs of strong women. She is a wild child, Maria says we are much alike. I brought Kelsie, a member of the family that owns Jean’s Place, a Wonder Woman shirt, and gave it to her today.

I brought a friend, another strong woman, Christine Decker, with me for lunch. Christine and I tried to talk Kelsie into joining a community theater company when it re-opens.

Kelsie was interested, I think.

Kelsie loves Wonder Woman and is one. It took me awhile trawling online, but I found the right one for her.

I was nagging her to join the community theater program at the Old Castle Theater, she says she doesn’t have time.

But she was intrigued, I think.

I know I’ve met a strong woman when she looks directly in the camera with no fussing or primping and has a kind of “do our thing’ attitude with the camera.

Kelsie is a very strong woman, full of love and challenge and independence.

The Wonder Woman shirt looks very good on her. She has plenty of attitudes, a free spirit who cares little for rules.

Strong women are full of spirit. Just look at those mothers in Portland who walked right into the federal government’s tear gas to protect their sons and daughters, the demonstrators behind them.


  1. This is a great portrait! Such a wonderful, strong, kick-ass woman.
    Jon, thank you for your pictures and for your writing. I appreciate you.

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