20 July

Updates From Community Cats

by Jon Katz

Many of you are asking about Stripes and Bubba, two projects of Community Cats, a dedicated group working to save feral and lost cats.

Dear Jon, I can’t thank you enough for connecting me with your friend C—–. What a lovely, generous woman. She’s taken an interest in Stripes and has contributed substantially to his medical care. Still no new home for Bubba, but we do have another interested party. And again, your exposure for our cause brought in quite a few donations.

They use the highly respected TNR – Trap-Neuter-Return program to help feral cats. There are 70 million feral cats in America, almost all of them die violent or painful deaths.

It looks like Darlene Phillips has been adopted by the Army Of Good, which is a very good thing for good people doing the Lord’s work. Darlene and her organization have helped more than 100 feral cats and more lost or abandoned ones.
They have been doing wonderful work in upstate New York but were just about out of money (they are a 501C public charity, donations are tax-deductible.) You can donate via Facebook here.
I hope we can call attention to the awful plight of feral cats, perhaps even help some.
Stripes (photo) has a severe back injury, C—- an Army of Good veteran, is helping with the vet bills.
Bubba is a lost cat who needs a home.
You can read about these wonderful people and the work they do here.
You can donate through the website here.


  1. A big thank you to Jon Katz and his Army of Good for supporting our cause. The response we’ve received from Jon and his followers has been truly amazing.

    Salem, NY is an agricultural community with limited resources. Barn cats and stray cats produce litter after litter of kittens that often live short, miserable lives. Until now, there was no organized effort to help these creatures.

    Our cause is as much about helping people as it is about helping cats. Compassionate souls take notice of feral cats, offering them food and shelter. These people feel helpless to prevent their endless breeding and suffering. When we offer TNR as an option to end this cycle, the response is always one of gratitude and relief.

    To the people all over the country who have donated to our cause and sent words of encouragement, we want you know how much we appreciate your support for our work, our cats, and our community.

    1. Thanks Darlene, a pleasure to know you and to help support your very excellent cause. As you are learning, the Army Of Good is a bunch of angels…

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