20 July

Brenda’s Dance

by Jon Katz

I get a lot of messages, every once in a while I get one I have to share. Yesterday I wrote about being naked in my house (outside of the shower or bed) for the first time in my life. I loved the experience.

(Yes, I do remember running naked in the snow at the first Bedlam Farm – “the show your art guru” -in front of Maria’s car at 5 a.m. in a blizzard,  when I was trying to cheer her up and encourage her to sell her art a decade ago. It worked.)

Brenda sent me this message today:

I am a 67-year-old woman and am shy about my body, too. But.. one thing I do is to go outside, when there is a full moon, and only wearing shoes, I dance around the barnyard. I cast shadows. I twirl. I stagger. I strut and gyrate. In the past, I only did this in warm weather, but my goal, this year, is to go out and do my naked goddess moon dance every, single, month, in every weather. I hope you try it. It is fun!

I will try it, Brenda, I’m married to someone who will happily try it with me. Thanks for this message.

You sound quite wonderful and I can’t wait to dance around my barnyard in a full moon.

Much love to you, Jon


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