Stripes was found by a kind cat lover in upstate New York. He was abandoned and hurt.
He is sweet and friendly, he was apparently attacked by an animal and has a severe wound on his back, he came in need of help, and is getting it.
The woman who took mercy on him took him to the right place, Salem’s Community Cats, a rescue group that helps feral cats get medical treatment and returns them to the point of capture.
It’s called the TNR program, Trap-Neuter-Return, the most merciful program for the 70 million feral cats in America.
“The woman who has been feeding him tells us he is very friendly,” says Darlene Phillips, the founder of Community Cats. “She calls him Stripes. It would be nice if he had a home waiting for him when he recovers.”
Stripes goes to the vet tomorrow for treatment.
I’m going to be working with Community Cats and Darlene to help the many feral cats in desperate need around here and hopefully, to call attention to the plight of feral cats everywhere.
There are also a lot of beautiful and friendly cats like Stripes who come to Darlene and I’d like to help them find a home as well.
At the Army Of Good, we help people, it’s time to help some animals as well.
Someone came to pick up Bubba, who I wrote about last week, but it didn’t work out. He is also still available for adoption.
Maria, who knows cats well, says he’s a great cat. Stripe is above, Bubba below. If you’re interested in either of these cats, please contact Darlene via e-mail, or by phone, 518 232 8476.
You can donate to the group here. Thanks to the Army of Good for donating more than $1,000, which is a month’s work of rescue work for Darlene and her volunteers.
I’m hoping over the next few months to help get them the $12,000 they need for a year’s support. They have to fight for every dollar.
Their Facebook Page is here, and you can donate here. Very few people do this work.
The group has helped more than 100 feral cats and is in need of financial support. The group’s website is called
I’ve been interested in feral cats ever since I moved here, these amazing animals group up without human contact and suffer terribly, shot by hunters, attacked by coyotes, strick with the disease.
Community cats neuters and spays the cats they trap and then return them to the wild. Most can’t live with humans, but some – ours – have become affectionate and loved members of our community on the farm.
Above, Bubba, a lovely and curious and friendly cat, with Darlene Phillips. He needs a home.
In a cruel world, TNR is the best outcome for them, and few feral cats get this opportunity for a shot at life. Flo and Minnie were both feral when they came to us, my heart is touched by these outlier creatures.
They are the animals almost no one can afford to help or is able to. Darlene and her volunteers are animal rescue heroes for me.
You can donate to the group here, they are the real deal, they are doing the Lord’s work. They are also a 501 C non-profit, all donations are tax-deductible.
I have a sneaking and hopeful thought that Bubba might end up with you and Maria! Not sure how Flo and Minnie would accept that……..but it seems to me that this might be a remote possibility…… just sayin”. You do, after all, have a peaceable kingdom………………. just maybe?
Susan M
Thanks Susan, no it’s not a possibility. we have enough animals now, we don’t want more than we can properly care for …we both feel the same way.
Can we send our donation to you Jon Dr the cat’s?
I’d send it to them, Marsha, you can contact them here..