25 June

Solar Is On. We’ve Saved Half A Tree Already

by Jon Katz

Our solar panels were connected to our power line today and in the first hour, we saved half a tree and some carbon emissions.

The system stores unneeded power distributes some to our neighbors for free and saves some for the winter months when the sun is weaker.

We’ve already collected 2,000 kilowatts in just a couple of hours Good work, PlugPV. They could not have been nicer, it could not have been easier (or cheaper.)

This is great. Until winter, our electric bills will be $17 a month, a service fee to our electric company.

This feels good. For us. For Mother Earth. For the farm. And, I guess, for the trees.


  1. That’s wonderful! Congratulations for getting solar. I’ve toyed with the idea, but on my lot, it would require cutting down some trees. Since trees are important consumers of carbon dioxide, I’ve decided that my contribution to a better environment is to keep them, enjoy their beauty, and appreciate the fact that their shade helps keep my house cool in the summer and that they provide good habitat for birds and squirrels. Yay, trees!

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