25 June

Godspeed, Sylvie ( The Mansion Needs Some AC)

by Jon Katz

I had to say goodbye to Silvie today, she left the Mansion to live in a different facility, where she can get a different kind of care.

I can’t say anything more than that.

She is well and writing her letters, to me and to many of you. Silvie was quite special to me, in our own way we became good friends I was her supplier of stamps and envelopes, which she consumed at an astonishing pace.

I will also cherish the night I went to her Jehovah’s Witness service and sang the prayer.

Sylvie could be quite imperious and demanding when she was out of stamps, she simply came up to me and said: “Jon, I need some stamps right away.” I got her stamps every week for the past two years.

“Thank you, Jon,” she would say, in her impatient way, as if “get a move on, Jon.”

Whenever I came into the building, she would appear in minutes, letting me know she needed stamps or envelopes. I’d get chewed out if I stopped to talk to anyone.

I loved Sylvie and will miss her, and I sent word (I’m not allowed to get near the residents now) that if she needs stamps in her new residence, I passed the world for her to let me know and I will keep sending them.

Sylvie also loves colorful caps and she took the ones I gave her with her.

It was especially hard not to give her a hug goodbye, but I blow kisses your way, Silvie. You had strength, courage, and faith and you suffered a great deal. I hope this change brings you peace and comfort.

The Mansion work teaches people like me and the aides not to get too attached. I did get attached to Sylvie, I suspect I will not see her again. She was very special to me, I hope she can write to me. I will send her stamps.

You may recall that a couple of years ago we bought portable air conditioners for every resident at the Mansion who needed or wanted one. We need to do it again.

The Mansion needs two window air conditioners for the upstairs, it is awfully warm in there on hot days. And they need two portable air conditioners for room son the ground floor.

That is difficult for elderly people.

I know how hot it can get in there so I ordered two window units at our local hardware store – roughly $400 for the two, and then two portable units for the ground floor. They need special window sealing exhaust pipes.

The total was $700. I didn’t feel I could wait to fundraise, it was pretty rough this week. Everyone else who needs an air conditioner has one, thanks to the Army Of Good.

I could use some support if you can and wish to. You can contribute to the air conditioners by sending a contribution by me via Paypal, [email protected], or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205,  Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

Thank you. And Godspeed, Sylvie.



  1. Thanks for the update on Sylvie. I still have several of her letters, and she owes me one. She is quite a character, and I wish her the very best. If I send her a card to the Mansion, do you think they would forward it to her new address?

  2. Dear Jon,
    I share your sadness that Sylvie is moving to a different location. I received 2 letter/cards from her on Monday. As always they were fun to read, sometimes a bit of a puzzle since she wrote on any piece of paper she could find. But they were always numbered so I could keep track. I don’t know if she ever told you how she felt about you but I quote from one of her letters “everyone seems to know about us, Jon Katz of Bedlam Farms is such a sweet heart”. I have a envelope all ready for mailing. I will send it on anyway and hopefully it can be forwarded. If I had known I would have gotten some more stamps and sent them to her. Next time! You were important to her and made it possible for many others to know her. That is the gift. Best regards and thanks for all you do.

  3. My greatest fear. Being moved where I know no one and have no control over my life. Godspeed, Sylvie.

  4. Thank you for the update on Sylvie. I was delighted to see a photo of her. I had sent cards to all the residents you had listed and she was the only one who responded to the penpal part and I was tickled. I am glad to see you say that letters will be forwarded. Think I will send some stationery for her…and stamps!
    Warm wishes to all at Bedlam Farms.

  5. I will miss Sylvies’ notes. She sent me a card once with two Adirondack chairs on the front, she wrote ” I wander why no one is sitting in these chairs”. She mad me smile. If you get word that she can or is able to receive mail, please let us know. Thanks for all you do Jon!

  6. Sorry to see that Sylvie has left as well. Please send updated list of our pen pals at the Mansion.

    Thank you for all the good work Maria and you do for others.

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