23 June

Old Fartism And The First Death. Thanks TikTok

by Jon Katz

One of the things I most love about writing on my blog is that I have an opportunity to express myself freely, and I know I will get in trouble regularly for what I write.

It is a gift to be challenged and to defend my ideas. And it’s a good thing because it happens almost every day.

I wrote somewhat admiringly the other day about the teens on TikTok, who seemed to have blown a big hole in President Trump’s ego in Tulsa the other night.

This is something the Democratic Party and countless people who claim to be progressives have not been able to do in four years. I admit I got a big kick out of it. I found myself rooting for them every step of the way.

I am a member of TikTok, I should say, but don’t travel in the right circles. I knew nothing of this plot, carried out with the skill and discipline of a Navy Seal’s commando raid.

Thousands of teenagers ordered hundreds of thousands of tickets to the President’s catastrophic opening rally in Tulsa the other night. Only 6,200 people show up in an arena that seats 20,000.

Although embarrassed Trump campaign officials vehemently denied it, the TikTokers apparently got Trump and his campaign to brag about the million calls they got for tickets. The arena was only one-third full.

What TikTok did was important. In the most creative and bold way, they just re-defined protest, and in a non-violent and disciplined way. Thanks to you people, you created the first bright and creative spot in an ever dreary and dispiriting political season.

There are about 500,000 people, mostly younger people, on Tik Tok.

I have to admit, I admire the spirit and energy and cleverness of these children and young adults.

Of course,  the people I rudely call Old Farts were like hornets in a fallen nest.

How could I justify this? Why wasn’t I outraged? Why didn’t their teachers or parents teach them right and wrong?

What hypocrites we are. We have created a world overwhelmed by right and wrong, greed and cruelty, hypocrisy and denial, racism, and indifference to immigrants and the poor?

Our planet has been poisoned by us and our greed and ignorance, our society tarred by endemic racism so pervasive it’s hard to see.

Have we created a country and a world so moral we can lecture other people about it?

And we dare to scold them for not being as moral as we are? It’s a wonder any of them speak to any of us at all. Why on earth should they respect a government that yawns at racism, pollutes their future, and saddles them with debt for learning?

I got a slew of angry messages – most of them pompous –  huffing and puffing about kids today, and how they needed to behave, to curb their rebellious and be more like the good old days, when all children were angels, listened to their teachers, were punished by their parents, went outside to play, helped old people across the street and didn’t sit in their houses all day, plotting, scheming and conniving on their devices.

In the old days, a bunch of teenaged geeks would never have pranked a windbag President; Congress spent most of its time hunting down communists and keeping them from writing movie scripts. They’re even worse now.

I am in something of the silent majority on this issue.

Few people speak well of kids these days and the ones who know better mostly stay quiet. Our President wants nothing to do with children or their culture; he has spoken poorly of young people, citing their disrespect for authority.

And why I wonder, should kids today respect us and our authority. Our President and his political party have looked the other way while children are slaughtered in their classrooms so they can keep taking money from corporate gun companies.

In 2019, eight people were killed and 43 injured in 25 shooting incidents related to schools. Congress is complicit. The wonder if they talk to us at all.

On their own hook, and our of our sight, they have created the most vibrant, creative, and exciting culture in the history of human children. The TikTok stunt – they didn’t steal anybody’s identity or send death threats – shown more imagination and spirit than the Democratic Party has mustered in four years.

I dread Old Fartism more than almost anything I can think of. I see it as the first hardening of the arteries, the death of the spirit, the first death. I remember all the clucking about rock and roll, how it damaged brains and spawned immorality.

Every generation does this, calls up the old days, the old values and clucks about kids today. Nostalgia is a trap, a place to hide from the present and the future. I don’t ever go there.

I don’t know all the kids on TikTok, but I’ve been writing about kids and their culture and following it for a long time, starting at my time at Wired and Rolling Stone.

I think kids today are amazing. They surpass anything I ever attempted or can do now. Their gaming world is  a profoundly rich and transformative culture.

They were tickled to go after President Trump because he has been deriding and ridiculing their culture for most of his life and all of his presidency. He sure started it.

Their biggest problem is that most of their teachers and parents have no idea what they are doing with their culture or how they do it. The Internet has broken open the monopoly adults once had on the culture of the young, and on controlling their minds.

I do remember this as a kid – comics and rock n’ roll and Saturday morning comics were it for me and my culture, my only choices until my father shut down my rock and roll because he thought Buddy Holly and Elvis were dangerous and of poor morals.

I’ve been threatened and scammed and hacked more times than I can count, and I don’t like it.

But it’s fatuous to equate what these kids did with the trolls running wild on social media.

Congress, a favored nesting place of Old Farts, is utterly ignorant of the tools and scale of youth culture. Young people have no respect for our leaders or the wrong and corrupt way they conduct themselves. And why should they respect people who line their own pockets and fatten up their friends?

TikTok is more creative than any newspaper, magazine, or TV show I’ve seen adults produce.

People there know climate change is real, and that they will suffer for our laziness and neglect.

They are tolerant of one another, and people of different colors and identities. They have their own voices and styles, and those are appreciated and celebrated, not criticized, and slandered.

They are fiercely opposed to racism.

And these young people are inventive. I am proud to have celebrated their energy and creativity.  I do it whenever I can. I see Old Fartism as a disease I need to fight almost every day of my life.

These children owe us nothing; we have failed them in almost every conceivable way. They owe themselves a better life than we left for them.

And listen: I was one of the children of the old days, and I can testify with heart and soul that they weren’t so good. Young people today are so much more alive and creative and engaged with their world than me and the children around me ever were.

What people don’t like about them and fear about them is that they can’t be controlled in the way children have always been controlled. They are free in a way most children could not even imagine. That is frightening to a lot of people.

That’s where Old Fartism comes from.

For me, culture was being locked in my bedroom with my father’s Playboy magazine and some worn Batman comics.

I didn’t know there were ever slaves in America until I read a book about it outside of my Junior High School Curriculum.  I had no idea many millions of women were as unhappy as my mother for being pushed into their housewive roles until I was in my 20’s.

It was not a Golden Age of happy, moral and well-grounded children.

When my father wasn’t home, I took my portable radio from its hiding place and listened to Buddy Holly and Elvis. That was the outer boundary of the good old days.

I would have given my right arm to have a TikTok to explore and create on. The funny thing is that I’m on it now, an Old Fart who happily rejects Old Fartism.

To Old Fartism, I say “nuts to you.” Embrace the future.

I have no illusions about it. I can never be one of them and don’t try, but my heart sings and soul jumps just by looking at what they do.




  1. Kids today are WONDERFUL! They are constantly derided as lazy but they actually work harder than we ever did. You try taking five AP classes, participating in a half-dozen extracurricular activities so you can get a college scholarship and still maybe working a part-time job. They graduate from high school to colleges that cost a gazillion dollars and are told by employers they can’t get a job without a degree. They get the degree and still can’t find a job with a decent wage. They are fired so a stock price will go up and those left asked to work in under-staffed situations. Then we complain they have no loyalty to their employers. The Old Farts (I’m of that age) won’t take care our nation and world’s problems. I only hope that they will continue to engage and take care of us. They are are truly our only hope.

  2. PREACH!!! I support these kids 100% and I’m a retired teacher although not a male old fart. This what they did has lightened my spirit and given me more hope than anything of recent. Keep on keep on Tik Tokkers!

  3. I loved this essay!! Thank you for articulating what wonderful kids walk the earth with us. We’ve made sure their school years have a potential for deadly gun violence, yet they persevere. These kids are going to save us all. ?

  4. Bravo! From one old Fart who refuses to be an old Fart to another. Hopefully the kids will save old farts from themselves.

  5. Embrace the future indeed!! If any generation can make this planet a better place it’s those young people. The old farts certainly will not do it, nor are they interested in doing so. I am of the older generation, but like to think that the ideals that I had 50 years ago are not only still with me, but are alive and well with not only my children, but my grandchildren as well. My 10 year old granddaughter has more forward vision than .most of the Congress . And the lack of relevance of the President goes without saying. Another enjoyable read. Thanks Jon.

    1. Pam, I am sure your granddaughter is more forward thinking than Congress! The average age of a senator is something like 62, and Diane Feinstein is, I believe, 87. I wonder if we would finally get meaningful action on, e.g., climate change if our elected officials would live long enough to be (even more) affected by it.

  6. I am enjoying this younger generation so much. They are so bright, so full of fire. They think of things, and people, outside of themselves. They have a hard task ahead of themselves because the human race has made a mess of things and they will be the ones who will be trying to correct and heal. I think, somehow, we have a generation who just might be up to the task. I have always been proud of the things the boomers changed in the 60’s. I think, and hope, that this generation will far surpass that, and that they won’t lose the fire as they grow older, as other generations have.

  7. Thank you, Jon! I’m on tiktok too and my grandson is so proud of me. Guess I’m a boomer zoomer too. I’m in awe of the stunt they pulled off but more than a little concerned that tRump will spew some vitriol or worse at Mary Jo.

  8. I’m in the silent majority also, always on the youth defense when “old farts” bash them. But by all the comments that followed Jon’s blog it seems as if it’s not as silent as I thought. I’ve audit classes at my city college. I’m the eldest in the classroom. I am amazed and inspired by the intelligence of our youth. At their age I wasn’t any where near having the knowledge they possess. I thought what they did was absolutely brilliant!

  9. I’m an “old fart” but only chronologically. I am, and always will be, a “progressive.” I was a teenager in the late 1960s and early 1970s… the son of a regressive, authoritarian father. I had disdain for the establishment then and utter scorn for it now. My hat is off to the engaged TikTok youth. They got one over on that soulless, arrogant crew in the WH, and didn’t fire a shot, loot a shoppe, or burn a police car.

  10. I love your writing. This was brilliant!

    What we need are younger elected officials. On both sides of the fence. It is time for the newer generations to step in and take their places!

  11. I love those TikTok kids! How smart! What genius! When I found out about what they did, I was amazed, aghast, but mostly happy.

  12. The TIC TOC fartism is just more of the same dysfunctional conservatives — commandeering free tickets to the rally and then not using them so to embarrass Trump. This will accomplish one thing in the future — Free Tickets will only be available to proven supporters or registered voters of like mind.

  13. Bravo Jon! I audited classes at Skidmore for the last twenty years and never got over being impressed with the students. They were so bright and curious and well mannered. I feel quite content to leave the country in their hands!

  14. Bravo Jon! I audited classes at Skidmore for the last twenty years and never got over being impressed with the students. They were so bright and curious and well mannered. I feel quite content to leave the country in their hands!

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