23 June

Cairn Sculptures Come To Bedlam Farm (Guess Who?)

by Jon Katz

Life with an artist is never dull or static.

Wherever Maria goes, art erupts. A few months ago she started collecting stones and put up several Cairn stone sculptures around some of our gardens.

I find myself drawn to them, I’m trying to figure out how to photograph them. Maria affirms the idea that beauty is everywhere if you look for it.

There are beautiful gardens all around the farmhouse now,  Cairn sculptures gracing them.  When I look at rocks, I see rocks. Maria sees something much deeper.


  1. The stone slabs around Maria garden, did she put them there, or were they there when you bought the farm? My husband piles the stones from the field on the edge, Maria has inspired me to do something with them now.?

  2. I love this – going to give it a try in my gardens! Beauty truly is everywhere – I agree with Maria!!

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