22 June

Maria’s Censored “Housewife” Magnets: Only 20 Left

by Jon Katz

Just because a corporation can legally do something doesn’t make it the right thing to do.

A few weeks ago, the so-called “art” website Etsy banned all of their many artists from trying to reflect the Pandemic in any way, claiming this would “exploit” the coronavirus.

They took her magnets down off her site and threatened her with losing her Etsy license of she put them up again. She took them down and has not put them up again. She is selling them on her website, fullmoonfiberart.com.

There is absolutely nothing offensive or exploitive about them, Maria doesn’t do either of those things. See for yourself.

Etsy did not ban or censor any of the thousands of hawkers and vendors all over the world who are selling coronavirus T-shirts, hankies, cups, hats, and key chains.

The idea that artists cannot create art based on this traumatic and life-changing event tells you that Etsy is no longer run by artists, but by just another timid and greedy corporation, confusing fear with ethics.

The Corona “Housewife” magnet is a reflection of the feelings of many women who have contacted Maria or spoken with her about how the virus has turned them into housewives again, caring for their children, shopping, and cooking.

It’s a perfectly legitimate idea for an artist to reflect and explore trouble and suffering – that is what artists do. Etsy is now just another kind of Amazon.  Maria still has her online studio, this is me speaking, not her.

Maria has sold 8o of these magnets on her blog, they are 5 inches tall and cost $7 apiece, shipping is free. You can see them and buy them here, while they last.

If you prefer, you can also e-mail her directly: [email protected], and purchase them in that way.

Maria will make $2 a magnet in profit, they are based on a sketch from her Corona Kimono project, which a number of people have suggested out to be in a museum. I think it will get there.

As the nit-pickers on social media pointed out, Etsy has the legal right to ban anything they want, but this is censorship, and no matter how legal, and it is wrong. It also a dangerous precedent for a site that presumes to be about art, but is really just about covering their butts in a difficult time.

This Pandemic is changing many of our lives and will continue to do that for many years.

If we eliminate all of the art in the world that was inspired by war, tragedy, disease, or death, we would empty our great museums of some of their best works.

So check out Maria’s magnets here. I hope she can move this 20 magnets – you can buy them via Paypal right on her blog


  1. I don’t spend much of any time on etsy. I wonder how many items they sell that I would consider “offensive” or exploitive of something I care about & therefore consider in poor taste? These magnets cant offend anyone!

  2. Hi Jon,
    You said, “If we eliminate all of the art in the world that was inspired by war, tragedy, disease, or death, we would empty our great museums of some of their best works.“
    I completely agree and will take it a step further by saying that removing all the confederate statues, as well as other statues, is also a rejection of the work of those artists who made them. I understand that the people commemorated by those statues are offensive in the minds of many, but maybe there is safe place to store them as artwork, thus keeping from destruction their reflection of a specific period of history.
    I am reminded of the Buddhas of Bamyam, which were carved in the 6th century, and which were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001 for being idols. They had their own reasons, as do the protesters now, but the end result is the loss to the world of artistic expression.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I completely understand why African Americans would not want to walk by the statues of people who fought so hard on behalf of slavery, but I am not comfortable either with the obliteration of our history.I’d rather see the statues used educationally and explained in context…They mean a lot to people and it is one of those complex issues that deserve some thought. I hate the idea of just erasing people and periods..

      But if I were black, I would be outraged by them..I think we need to listen now, and to everybody..We need to do better on race..But your message is thoughtful and I too felt the Taliban destruction acutely..thank you for the message..

    1. Thanks Nancy, I got this one for free, there was a special buy one, get one free..I like this air a lot, but I like the blue also…I’ll switch back and forth…

  3. Wow! Such a clean kitchen! I think Maria should keep you, her househusband.
    I absolutely hate censorship.

  4. I went to etsy and put in mask, and there are over a million results.
    They say: Items sold on Etsy, such as masks and hand sanitizers, aren’t medical-grade.
    Etsy sellers cannot make medical or health claims

    But so what? Bizarre double standard. It’s not as if Maria said her magnets would
    cure housewife-titis. Love mine even more that it does not have the etsy seal
    of approval.

  5. Jon, do my eyes deceive me…or are you wearing a colored (not blue), short-sleeved shirt?? What in the world is happening on Bedlam Farm! 🙂

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