20 June

Bud’s Place

by Jon Katz

After two years, Bud has found his place, and we spent some time clearing it out for him. There’s a big old Maple tree behind Maria’s studio, we had fenced it off and didn’t mow it or clean it up.

Maria realized it would make great reading and meditation space and we both saw that Bud fought to get back there, digging his way under the fence and with Zinnia’s help, jumping over the fence and flattening it.

So we cleaned it out for him, and down the road, maybe for us. Bud rushes out there and sits there for hours, keeping an eye in the red barn and studio foundations,  home to chipmunks and mice and moles.

He is very happy out there, and serious in his work. He will sit still for hours watching the animal’s entrance and exit spots.  Bud is very happy here, and very busy.

Zinnia, his pal, goes out and sits with him, I’m not sure she knows why, but she is happy to keep him company. Maybe he is teaching her to hunt chipmunks.


  1. God Bless that sweet little guy. We all need a Happy Place, and a purpose. Bud’s tree is beautiful and now it’s no longer lonely.

  2. Bless you Bud! You now have your own space to meditate on those chipmunks, go get them Bud! You can teach Zinnia to be your blocker/defense partner. He is such a dear little ? and lucky to be a part of your family.

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