20 June

Blossoms From The Soul

by Jon Katz

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”

-Henry Ward Beecher

Every morning I walk outside and feel grateful for my farm and my life. What a gift to see our beautiful donkeys, Lulu and Fanny, waiting for us, the sun now shining through our old apple tree.

Thich Nhat Hanh suggests we walk as if we are kissing the earth with our feet.

Each morning I remind myself to be mindful, be grateful, be positive, be kind.

I often tail in this daily reminder, life distracts me and pulls me along.

But I never stop wanting to get there. We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because rose bushes have thorns. I always think of this old saying when I look at the news each morning.

I can lose heart because the world is so complex, I can rejoice because the world is so complex.


  1. Jon, I just read your post from the 19th, One Man’s Truth….I want you to know, I read quite a bit from all directions.
    It makes me feel like I have a handle on what is being discussed….but when I read that post from the 19th, I was blown away! You have shared paradigms of thought I would never have gleaned from all the outlets I visit.
    There are time I think this country’s obsession with rugged individualism is a curse, but maybe this country’s idea of individualism isn’t individual at all!
    So much to think about….thank you.

  2. I am surprised by this June 20 blog … just how smartly wise you are John. You are someone who sees us … all of us who are so misguided by so much . Did we earn all of this ? If I can think like you a bit I can say it is a new day dawning now that we can be happy about. I hope hope hope !

    I am like a lot of people. I am afraid for our country. This can all change in four months ! Vote Vote Vote

    1. Hey George, I’d rather by busy than afraid..Time to stop being scared and get to work for a kinder country..

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