16 June

Great News!: Jean’s Opens Up Tomorrow

by Jon Katz

I am thrilled to report that Jean’s Place, the soul of Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and my favorite restaurant on the earth, will open up Wednesday as part of New York State’s Phase 3 opening.

They can fill up to 50 percent of their seats and tables.

Community matters, people matter, face-to-face contact with humans changes everything.

I saw firsthand how frightening and stressful these months have been for them, how hard Kevin, Kelly, and Kelly’s daughter Kelsie have worked, often from one a.m. to 8 p.m. cooking, cleaning, baking.

I am so grateful to the many people who helped support them, locals, and people as far away as California.

Connecting them with the Mansion was a godsend for them, and so were the takeout orders that came in every day. I became addicted to their sandwiches and wraps; I went to pick them up several times a week.

But their true saviors were the people they have gotten to know and love over the years, the people who have eaten there all of their lives and been made to feel as if they were home.

Every Wednesday, they got up early and brought special meals to the Mansion, giving the residents and the aides some much-appreciated relief and good food.

I intend to continue that program as long as I have the funds to do it. The Mansion is still locked down, the residents can’t leave or receive visitors, and they and the very tired aides need some rest and different food. The lunches cost $260.

It’s essential to the aide as well as the residents to get some of this fresh and healthy and fun food – they are wild for the muffins, pies, and cupcakes, a great break from institutional food.

This news really made my heart sing.

Jean’s Place is important to me on many levels. The restaurant became a symbol to many of the difficulties small businesses have faced and are facing during this Pandemic.

They are a symbol of the power of the community as well. Hoosick Falls came through for Kevin, Kelly, and Kelsie, they stayed with them through the dark first weeks and the difficult months.

Beyond that, they affirm my feeling that when we get away from media and labels, we are all human beings. Modern technology has separated us. I l love those people who run Jean’s Place, and I think they might just love me back.

I am sure that the the people who eat at the Mansion and I have very different views about politics. It doesn’t matter face-to-face, I enjoy talking with them, and they are all incredibly kind to me.

Many are my friends.

The headstrong and hard-working Kelsie almost feels like a daughter to me. It was poignant to see how much she cared about her mother and uncle and how hard she worked to keep Jean’s Place together during it’s darkest days in more than 30 years.

They have always been good to the people in Hoosick Falls, and the favor has been returned.

I am sorry I won’t be here for the opening, I’m whisking Maria off to Vermont to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary. We’ll be back Thursday morning.! But I’ll be there this weekend.

They can only fill half of their tables at one; I’ll get in there one way or another.

This is excellent news, and thanks to all of the people everywhere who tried to help and did help.  An awful lot of people showed up to help them, I am proud that I was one of them, and you were.

If you care to contribute to supporting this healthy food program, you can do so via Paypal, or by check, Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y.,  12815, or via Paypal, [email protected].


  1. Smile: Miner’s Lettuce In Collage
    by Jon Katz Jun 15, 2020

    Emily Gold is an artist and a baker. She met Maria in their belly dancing class and became friends. She works with collage and fabrics and has a stylish website.

    On weekends, she sells her art and scones at the Bennington, Vermont Farmer’s Market and I saw these very wonderful and inexpensive collages inspired by various vegetables.

    I loved this one – it’s Miner’s lettuce – and Maria bought it for me as an anniversary present. I just smile whenever I see it. Try it, I think it’s especially creative and imaginative.

    Good artists see life and beauty everywhere.

    Bud’s Imaginary Chipmunk
    You are so goofy. I remember Rose and of course Izzy.

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