14 June

Snake In The Basement

by Jon Katz

A milk snake was living in our basement, the warm weather lured him, the cold snap left him dopey outside and within range of our murderous barn cats.

St. Maria came rushing to the rescue – of course, she has no fear of snakes – and picked the poor guy up and re-homed him in one of her gardens. At least she didn’t give him a name.


  1. Awesome! We have a couple bull snakes living in the barn. I like them, they keep the rattlesnakes at bay!

  2. Yoiks! I could probably handle a small garter snake (I like most animals) but this one is way out of my comfort zone. Is there nothing that frightens this woman?

  3. That terrifies me! How does she know it won’t bite her? I would probably sell the home and move. (Kidding)

  4. 40 years ago we lived on the high banks of the Mohawk River for around 10 years. We had a large shed and one morning I found a very cold, coiled up milk snake in it. I looked it up in my book on snakes, and thought why would any one kill them. My neighbors killed any snake they found. From the size of him I figured he ate a lot of rats or rodents since some of the old timers who lived in the farm houses for generations would throw all their garbage over the banks. Thus we had rats around. Myneighbors never saw the garbage or old refrigerators they threw down the hill, but you sure could see it from route 5s across the river. I got a shovel, and got the snake on it a carried it to the river bank and put him in a safe place. He was beautiful, but certainly not as big as yours . I was so proud of my self being from the city and never seeing snakes. Marie did a great job.

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