14 June

One Man’s Truth. Why Trump Is Going To Lose

by Jon Katz

President Trump is very close to the point where he cannot win in November.

He has made at least one Iconic Mistake in recent weeks, and he is about to make another one in Tulsa next Saturday.

He is a hair away from being too far behind to win.

I’m not into conspiracy theories, but the mainstream corporate media will keep this race tight for as long as they can, it’s worth millions, even billions, of dollars to them to keep the race close, and citizens tense. Just like the Super Bowl.

Of course, things could change – we all know that – and Ivanka or Jared might yet knock some sense into his head, but that’s not something I would bet on. They haven’t been successful so far.

The polling website FiveThirtyEight, perhaps the most respected data source in the country, wrote this about Trump’s failing prospects yesterday: “—of course the more Trump’s approval ratings hang around the 40 percent mark, the harder it is to imagine him attracting enough support to win reelection – especially given his inability to broaden his appeal. As we’ve said before, Trump’s base won’t be enough.”

I’ve also said it before, ad nauseum.

And Trump just can’t seem to help himself; he keeps making these staggering mistakes.

You can start following Tulsa – the latest one – now if you want to understand what an Iconic Mistake is and the impact it has. Tulsa’s Health Commissioner said Sunday he was worried about the President’s supporters at his rally and can’t guarantee their health or the President.

And a new problem for Donald Trump. There are also growing concerns about the President’s health, they have broken out across the media spectrum today, as they were bound to do.

The New York Times is the first mainstream media outfit to come right out and say what many reporters in  Washington have been saying for weeks,  perhaps longer: he doesn’t look right.

I can testify that when people start asking about your health, they already know the answer. It’s too late to hide.

Over the weekend, new and respected polls from CNN and Iowa show that Trump’s approval rating keeps dropping and is now at the point where no President has ever been so unpopular and won reelection this close to the election.

The killing of George Floyd has also sparked the resurgence of a powerful Democratic coalition – African-Americans, Latinos, the young, suburban women, college-educated men – all connecting in opposition to President Trump and his policies.

Trump is waiting for 1950 to come back. All Biden has to do is social distance, and wear masks,  just about everyone he needs is coming to him.

The so-called “progressives” are wringing their hands still, afraid of another election shock. Many have become addicted to worrying, some to hate. That is not a winning attitude.

My advice to them, if they asked, which they won’t, would be to stop worrying and posting hopeless messages on Facebook and Twitter and start volunteering.

We have all learned to be cautious about trusting polls too much, but I think this new reality is just as apparent to our eyes and ears and common sense.

We don’t need pollsters to tell us everything that is happening. Once I drove around the country in 2016 and saw all those Trump signs, it was pretty obvious.

It was also pretty evident that no reporter had done it.

The Democratic Party, off-stride and outmaneuvered for years, has finally given up trying to reach or persuade the MAGA people to change their minds about Donald Trump.  That is a good lesson for his opponents on social media to follow.

Instead, the party is frantically and finally coalition building and making restrained economic and health care proposals that appeal to the middle class. I don’t envy any President who has to clean up this mess.

The Republicans have decided that their best shot is to suppress as many black and Latino voters as they can get away with. Not exactly a stirring formula for victory, and I would guess it will blow back on them pretty hard on election day.

African-Americans and white and black lawyers are on to them. They will fight hard to vote.

As a country, we needed to come to terms with Trump’s election.

And as a country, we need to come to terms with the resurgence of genuine patriotism. People want a kinder, better, more honest America.

Beyond that, the trouble for Trump is more trouble.

His wobbly walk down the ramp after speaking to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point suggested to reporters who see him every day that he is not healthy.

He has never walked down a ramp that way, and it struck me because that is precisely how I have walked down ramps and stairs since my Open Heart Surgery five years ago, and after I turned 70.

I know what an older man looks like fighting for balance on stairs, even down to that little bounce at the end.

Other videos are circulating online showing him unable to raise a glass of water to his lips with his right hand at West Point. He had to push it up with his left.

I’ve seen older men do that.

I think we all have.

The walk down the ramp and his struggle to lift a water glass renewed questions about his health from all those pesky fake news people, his abrupt visit to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington in November has never been fully explained.

Any suggestion or even speculation about poor health deprives him of one of his primary campaign attack on Joe Biden, who he derides as “sleepy Joe” and also as suffering from dementia.

Trump presents himself as Macho Man. He’s already claiming on Twitter that the stairs were wet. Unfortunately for him, they were not.

He planned to also smear Biden by putting pressure on Ukrainian officials to investigate him and his son. This was a spectacular bust, and without aging issues, there seems to be nothing much left in the arsenal right now.

I watched the videos several times.

He doesn’t look healthy, Saturday was his 74th birthday. Beyond the slow walk down the airplane stairs, he seems drawn, his face puffy, his orange hue disturbing, his squirrel’s nest so thin we can see right through it to a scalp as bald as mine.

The squirrel has fled, there is nothing there but skin.

Beliefs are turning to stone about now. Trump supporters refuse to believe he’s in trouble, his opponents are afraid to believe it. We don’t know how many more Iconic Mistakes are in the works, he seems to be riding alone in his big-semi, cruising the highway at 90 miles an


Privately, almost all of the most experienced pollsters say that Trump now has less than a 20 percent chance of winning in November. The political reporters know this, one has even told me. But they have not yet reported it.

Who wants to watch news shoes about a race that is virtually over before it began?

The first big mistake was Trump’s suggestion that UV light and drinking bleach might prevent the coronavirus from striking. That statement led to the cancellation of the daily White House Coronavirus briefing. Dr. Fauci has not been seen at the White House podium since, or much of anywhere else.

It also led to his abandonment of any shred of leadership regarding the Pandemic, which is now rising rapidly in 22 states. He just keeps telling people it is over, which is code for he doesn’t dare how many people die, the economy comes first.

A new police shooting in Atlanta of an unarmed black man this weekend is stoking the flames, figuratively and literally. President Trump seems to be the only person who feels so cheery about the country right now.

Like the Pandemic, this won’t go away.

A President can’t hide forever and get away with it. It seems likely these awful incidents will occur again and again from time to time until America finally decides to deal with it.

They will need a President who cares in order to move that process along. Instead, Trump is committing yet another Iconic Mistake.

He’s become that rare thing in mainstream American politics, a vocal defender of statues to Confederate generals and slave owners, and of military bases named after other Confederate generals.

It is me, or is his timing off?

Trump has essentially said the Pandemic is over, and he is letting the vulnerably elderly and black and Latino populations fend for themselves.

And he is ignoring the national unease about race – the videos still pouring out are horrific – to present himself as America’s darn tough, gun-loving, Bible-toting Sheriff.

I’m not seeing it, do Americans really want a gun-loving, Bible-toting Sheriff as their President?

At this rate, he’ll be driving black voters who want Joe Biden to be President to the polls in November himself.

He has promised us again and again that this coronavirus is no longer any big deal, there is no reason to pay attention to it or restrict any activities or the rush to re-open and Make The Economy Great Again.

I’d guess that stance will also come back to bite him on the ass. And soon. Look at tomorrow’s headlines.

Reporters and political opponents will make him own every single one of the future and rising victims of the coronavirus, now over 110, 000  people, and expected to reach 200,000 sometime during the summer.

This will be just about the same time Trump will be accepting the nomination before a packed stadium in Jacksonville, Fla.

I guess his casinos got into his blood. He likes to gamble.

But his biggest Iconic Mistake was leaving the White House with that Bible to stand glowering in front of St. John’s Church in Lafayette Square.

This was for a photo op an hour after Secret Service and Park Service and National Guardsmen gassed the protesters and threw noise grenades at them to clear the way.

The photo op was a disaster, the brainchild of White House daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump. Americans did not the like of calling in the Army to gas legally-demonstrating protesters. A photo op too far. And very poorly thought out.

What the public seems to be yearning for are love and peace, and it seems the only person he loves is him, not the love Jesus preached about in the Bible he was holding.

That photo of Trump and the Bible – he never went inside to look at the damaged church, and he infuriated senior military leaders and religious leaders, all of whom know he doesn’t go to church and has almost certainly never read the Bible – will be the image that comes to define his Presidency.

They were enraged at his transparently self-serving use of the Bible in that way.

Iconic photos do that. I wrote that it looked like he was having an enema, or had to pee.

That’s what makes photos Iconic.

The Chlorox disaster revealed how little he knows or cared to know about a virus that is shocking and frightening much of the nation.

It didn’t help his sensitivity ratings when he boasted that George Floyd was up in heaven having a great day because the weekly job numbers looked good.

He simply has no way of connecting with Americans about race or death or fear. He just can’t do it. And like the virus, it will stalk and haunt him all summer and beyond.

If any of you want to de-construct the next Iconic Disaster in the making, start paying attention to the President’s first election rally in Tulsa next Saturday.

In agreeing to postpone the rally one day in honor of Juneteenth Day (when Texas slaves were finally emancipated), he acknowledges what he should have known initially.

This is too racially charged a time to bring a political rally into the city, which experienced the worst racial massacre in American history. So he moved it back one day, a little boy stymied but stubborn about getting his way.

Yesterday, more than 1,000 demonstrators marched to the White House – an interfaith and peaceful protest – in response to the killing of Floyd George.

Common sense would suggest protesters will be in Tulsa next Saturday as well.

The optics won’t look good: thousands of mostly white MAGA supporters in red hats shouting to lock Hilary Clinton, (yes, still Hilary Clinton) and Joe Biden up and various socialist lefties up.

At the same time, the camera pans to people carrying candles outside the stadium calling for racial justice, hopefully peacefully.

I have to feel for those MAGA supporters; it will take hours to get through the security and into the stadium – all the people do not love this President – and then there is the document that they have to sign waiving the right to sue of they get sick, which at least some of them are almost certain to do.

Tragically, the first media stories about sick MAGA supporters and their mothers and grandmothers should start appearing sometime in mid-July.

I will say a prayer for their safety – honestly.

Supporters of political candidates should have nothing to fear from supporting their candidates. This candidate is putting them at risk for no good reason, and he knows it.

And we all know it.

Human beings, especially American human beings in crisis, can only take so much turmoil. They need help to calm down and feel safe.

I understand the Trump haters are still suffering PTSD from 2016, but it’s time to suck it up.

The Greeks were prophetic. After all, they invented democracy and understood it.

Donald Trump will be defeated by his hand; his hubris makes him blind and arrogant.

So many people have been after him for so long, and the fatal blows all came from him.

(I never meant to write every single day, but I can’t resist. This is the political story of a lifetime.)



  1. Thank you for writing every day (personally I look forward to it.) For awhile I was reading several books about his interactions with others (one by Chris Christie and one about his “generals,” especially alarmed me) and found such consistent, awful, even despicable behaviors towards others, that I can’t read them anymore. I found The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis, especially disturbing. It makes me sad.

    Your daily blog does help synthesize, for me, what is happening.

  2. It is refreshing to read your take on this. Knowing the ways of the world is a key survival skill just as living in harmony with nature. It is not time to be petty and vindictive. It is time to heal and better ourselves and our nation.

  3. I appreciate your insight. I remember reading when you wrote about the Trump signs in rural America. That was what I had also seen and I’m glad that I rediscovered your blog.

  4. Please continue to write everyday. It definitely is the story that hopefully will wake up this country to strive to be a better place for all of us.

  5. Thank you Jon for your thoughts and keeping the prospective that we need. I find it comforting and calming in these turbulent times.

  6. I am enjoying your political articles, they are well thought out and give me insights I didn’t realize I needed.
    Thank you.

  7. Jon, not only are we blessed with your wonderful photography, which you taught yourself to do in a time of great distress in your life, but we have the experienced news reporter’s point of view POV…which many of us really don’t know about, the background of how the media, newspapers, television reporting, and so on, works behind the scenes, You’ve experienced it, we’re learning from it here on your blog.

    You give us the right mix, between peaceful farm/animal pictures and a dose of reality as you see it…we can choose what we make of it, as you say, you don’t expect people to agree with you, you’re presenting what I see as an experienced in the media POV.
    Sandy Proudfoot…

  8. I am also concerned that the rally in Tulsa (my home) will endanger the health, and for some who are immune compromised and/or elderly… the very lives, of the people who live in Tulsa. My community… which I love. Even the Tulsa Health Commissioner is throwing up a red flag. No other events are permitted at the BOK in Tulsa, a 19,000 seat stadium.

    I am proud of Tulsa and the people who live here. Tulsans are kind, considerate, and respectful. They are generous and good people. Other events have chosen to hold their first concerts here at the BOK because of that I believe. I also believe Tulsans will respond to this event with grace, strength and wisdom, if it does go on as planned. I hope and pray it does not. The Number of virus cases continues to go up here, as the number of tests stays the same.

    Watching & praying

  9. I have no problem with you writing every day. Please carry on.
    What scares me the most is a repeat of 2016 in that Trump will lose the popular vote and squeeze in via the electoral college. I’m not sure you’ve ever written about the EC. Do you think it’s still viable or should there be a constitutional amendment to abolish it and go with popular vote only.
    Critics would say that our President would be elected by the bigger states, but you could make the argument that the EC gives too much power to the smaller states. Do you have any thoughts?

  10. I live on the fringes of rural America in North Carolina. Much of the feelings you write of regarding your neighbor’s support of Trump rings true here.
    Recently got a text from an old school chum saying she likes the fact Trump tells us the truth. Yikes!

    Also saw a sign on farmland that said, Trump 2020 No More Bullshit. Double yikes!

  11. I do enjoy your writing and photography. Your skills are amazing. I have read every book you have published. We will never see eye to eye on politics. That is what I love most about America is we have the freedom of our own thoughts and opinions. So a good read as always.

  12. 538 was dead wrong in 2016. They and all the other polls predicted Hillary as a shoe-in for the Presidency.
    I think if the Dems keep beating the “defund and disband police” drum, they are digging their own grave.
    Don’t forget all the “protests” and social movements of the 1960’s. Nixon was elected in 1968 and 1972 — the latter time, carrying all but a few states.
    Dems also are not in position to talk about Trump’s “fitness.” Most of us in our 70’s take special care walking down ramps or stairs (as we are advised to do) as slips or falls can result in broken bones. Biden, on the other hand, rarely goes anywhere and constantly mutters things that make no sense. During one of the last debates, Biden said 150 million people were killed by guns in the last year! That is nearly half the population.
    I don’t know what will happen in November. I am unhappy with both choices. Though a registered Democrat, I am horrified with the radical shift of the party and can’t support it in its present state.
    Call me the woman with no party and no candidate.

  13. Jon, I thank you for your comments today about the Orange One. I grew up in Tulsa and I can tell you for sure: the riot was covered up TOTALLY until the 80’s when the book, “Death In A Promised Land” was published, which I believe was the first time this awful history came to light. My town was strictly segregated: none of we white kids even knew where Greenwood was – only that’s where our maids lived. The town is built on a grid. North and South streets were numbered. None of us went past 3rd street to 2nd; black people never went past 3rd to 4th street downtown. My grandfather was on the police force in 1921. I shudder to think he was involved, probably in the KKK. Nothing was ever, ever mentioned in school. I remember my mother declaring she was afraid that I would be born on Emancipation Day (my birthday is June 20). Good for 60 Minutes for deciding to publish their story about the riots last night! And, there were no comments about you-know-whos plans for the rally – let people draw their own conclusions.
    These past four years have been a torment. Thanks for your writings. I haven’t written you before but have been a reader of your column for several years.

  14. I am so happy you are breaking your golden rule and writing about what is happening politically. And you are right on. He’s crumbling on his own. We have finally hit the tipping point. Your insight is refreshing and man, have I learned a lot about politics from you. I owe you a dinner 🙂

  15. Thank you for your story/post.

    Trump’s “mistakes” are not a bug, they are a feature. Just look at when all this started. August 12, 2017 and the Charlottesville “very fine people, on both sides” speech.

    That should have been the end of Trump, right there and then. Instead, the GOP circled the wagons around him just so they could get their corporate tax cuts and unqualified right wing judges approved.

    Trump NEEDS to be defeated for the sake of the Republic along with ALL his GOP enablers/defenders.

  16. I loved your insight and opinion, but I feel you are preaching to the choir. I wish the MAGA Trump-loving voters would see it the same way we do, but alas, it seems like this is only reinforcing what us Trump-haters already know!
    Fingers WAY crossed you are spot on in November!!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, I am definitely preaching to the choir, mostly. I do hear from some Trump blog readers, and they are courteous and civil. But no, I have no illusions about a different audience. I don’t think I’m just telling people what they know, though, that’s not what these messages say. My goal is to explain what they don’t grasp about what’s happening – it is so very confusing, not to reinforce them, not my job or purpose. I’m not interested in dumping on T Trump, rather helping people understand what is often incomprehensible…….the many messages I get make me feel I am being helpful.

      1. P.S. Debbie I’m not writing to change minds or to promote Trump hatred and obsession. I’m here to try to explain to people what is really going on, as our media is struggling to do that or not bothering. I’m not trying to turn Trump followers around, that is folly..I’ve said many times that the best way to defeat Trumpism is to leave his followers to their own devices and get to work ..that is what seems to be happening..hating Trump gets no one anywhere…

  17. Jon, I find your political posts very educational, not about 45 per say but about how all of this works. I find that when I feel worry educating myself helps and that is why your posts help me so much. Thank you, please don’t stop writing about this, your observations are so very helpful!

    1. Thank you for writing from a different point of view to help us/me make some sense of it and keep up with what’s going on with less distress. I just can’t read the screaming articles or watch the shouting news anymore. I love your daily life on the farm and Army of Good reports (thanks for providing me a sure way to do some good too!). They ground me and make me smile every morning with my coffee. Those that complain about the politics writing and choose to whine can simply not read it and stick to the animal and AOG posts instead of complaining! You don’t mix them up! Sheesh! Anyway, love to you and Maria and all the animals ♥️

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