Maria and I went to the Bennington, Vt. Farmer’s Market this morning, we saw Maria’s friend and belly dancer Emily, she sells her scones and cookies there as well as her beautiful art and collages.
We came home and I did some writing and she tore up the garden, moving bushes, digging holes, planting boulders on some bushes where the dogs were digging holes.
I went looking for her after a while, and I found her lying in a sunny spot on the porch. We are both excited about celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary in Vermont Wednesday night.
When Maria first came to live with me, she didn’t want to garden, she didn’t want anything to interfere with her art. On weekends now, she gardens with a passion and tremendous energy.
I love seeing her work on her plants and flowers, she talks to them, trims them moves them. Tonight, we’ll try to find a movie to see or read a book.
Maria is working on relaxing, it doesn’t come naturally to her, I loved finding her on the porch, feet up against the wall, a cat in her lap. Sweet moments.
Ah…that’s a blessed woman. Nice to see someone reading an actual hardcover book with a paper jacket. I love my iPad but still have a special fondness for the traditional hardbound book. Something so satisfying in putting your bookmark in between the pages. Now the question that comes to my mind is “what’s she reading”? When I was at an airport waiting to board a plane I was always interested to see what folks were reading. No idea why? My many years as a librarian? Perhaps.