9 May

Still Life: Beauty Out Of Stuff That Makes Us Weep

by Jon Katz

I look up at this old dresser in our bedroom and I saw my Valentine’s Day card to Maria and a  reflection of one of the old doorways in our nearly 200-year-old farmhouse.

Once or twice a day, I set off to take a photo of something beautiful that once might have made me weep.

“Any fool can be happy,” wrote Clive Barker. “It takes someone with a real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep.”

I have a real heart and I want to make beauty at a time where there is much weeping. I think you can take a beautiful photo of anything if your eyes and heart are open. I love my photography.


  1. And we love it too Jon.

    I have often noticed when I do a thing that gives me pause: Whether it’s take a beautiful picture,
    build or make something neat and creative that I am proud of, come up with a cool idea to solve a problem and then execute it – I often hear myself say out loud: “Ha! I just love me!”

    Which always strikes me as so funny, since I immediately recognize that I am doing 2 things at once: 1) patting myself on the back in the moment, for whatever Great and BRILLIANT thing I just did or thought of (normally I work alone, so that’s a good thing :)), and 2) probably on a deeper level – affirming my identity as a worthwhile and good human who at her core is good, smart and creative and HAPPY with the person that she has turned out to be……shortcomings and all.

    Eyes and Heart Always Open… I love that! Thanks, Anne in MN 🙂

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