4 May

Ann Channels Dead People- Inspiration

by Jon Katz

Ann Weber sent me perhaps the best e-mail I ever got and one of the wisest. I was writing about my long and fruitless struggle to get people to stop telling me what to write.

Just when I was about to give up, Ann reminds me how precious the human spirit is, and how heroic creative people can be.

“Dear Jon,” she wrote. “I write a blog channeling dead people. I have a mini-heart attack every time I put a post, but I do it. I write what I hear, make no claims otherwise. Some people like it, and well, you know the drill..But I can’t not do it and I can’t do anything else, so I did it.

Thanks for the inspiration, intended or no, in many ways. – Ann”

Yes, I do know the drill, and the inspiration is intended Ann, and so very much appreciated.

You have bravely learned and stood firm in the face of one of the great lessons of the creative life, which is the willingness to be lonely and bruised and strange sometimes.

Everybody doesn’t have to like it, and many people don’t.

Ann has been one of my favorite Pen Pals for some time, I had no idea until tonight what she does. I highly commend her blog to you.

On her gentle blog, Wisdom And Wonder, Ann introduces herself by saying she is not your average bear. For sure.

Creativity is creativity Ann, our faith is believing that what we do matters, even if people don’t like it or wish to see and hear it.

Maria and I learn this lesson every day, and I have been learning and re-learning it for much of my life.

I write what I feel also, and some people like it, and well, we know the drill. Acceptance is sacred to me, I am still working on it. Best to you and thanks for our wonderful message.


  1. Jon, I learned a long while back not to care what people think they do not define who I am or who you are. Once you stop thinking about what people will think your creativity and life will change. As log as you are kind do good for yourself and others you are on the right track. You have so much experience and know what you write about and are honest in telling us you are still learning.
    I so enjoy waking up each day to read what ever you write about. Some things you write are more interesting to me then other things you write but you are doing a great creative job on this blog.

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