28 April

Wizard Socks For A Fashion Icon

by Jon Katz

I told Maria today that she should no longer tease me for being a dull dresser and wearing the same clothes – a blue shirt, blue jeans – every day of my life, summer or winter. She laughed.

I feel that my new socks have made me something of a fashion icon. For the first time in my life on this earth, people are complimenting me for something I am wearing (I did get praise for one of my slouch hats last winter).

My wizard socks are among my favorite new socks, and who knows where this could possibly lead? Yellow shirts: Checkered or pastel pants? Hmmm…perhaps not.

I think of the sorcerer in Fantasia when I wear these socks. I’m not sure why, but they seem magical to me.

I am pleased to share my new socks with my blog readers, and from my e-mail, this is becoming a thing. Always happy to share. And so far, no warnings that my socks to cut off circulation to my heart and kill me.



  1. Wow, I absolutely adore these wizard socks! They add such a playful and whimsical touch to any outfit. I can imagine them being a perfect accessory for a fashion icon like the person featured in this post. The intricate design and vibrant colors really make them stand out. I’m definitely going to keep an eye out for these socks and try to incorporate them into my own wardrobe. Thanks for sharing this fantastic fashion inspiration!

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