27 April

My New Role As A Studly Man. You Can Call Me Studly…

by Jon Katz

I’m enjoying my new role as a Fashion Icon, with my multi-colored socks (a pink one is in the mail). Maria says I’m sexy and quite the stud in my new socks, and I am enjoying my new role as a stylish man.

Maria says she finds me handsome, but I am afraid she will wake up one day and run screaming from the farmhouse, or chase me away with a pitchfork. Until that happens, I count myself lucky and am enjoying myself as a Studly Man. You can just call me a Studly.


  1. I feel in love with what was inside my husband with what was inside not how he looked outside.
    I am sure this is for Maria as well she is in love with her man for who he is what he does for others and keeps going day after day. I.M.

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