27 April

Message From Mayor Becky In Kansas: “Where Empathy Lives…”

by Jon Katz

Becky is the mayor of a small town in Kansas, she wrote to my Post Office Box (P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816). and sent a generous contribution for our Mansion work.

“I am the mayor of a small town, 3,500 people in Kansas. I am also living the challenge of these scary times.

I think my P.O. Box is a magical box, I get the most beautiful messages there from all over the country.

“Empathy lives in the space between both sides,” she wrote. “Like you stated, Mr. Trump has done some good things for me, But I have a renewed passion for public service and a belief that truth matters, not spin.”

Thank you for our willingness to share your thoughts. Blessings, stay safe, and stay well.” 

Becky sent me a check for $500 to use for the Mansion residents and the refugees. Thanks, Ms. Mayor. You sound like a very fine leader.


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