26 April

Movie Night

by Jon Katz

Tonight is going to be movie night for Maria and I. Our regular theater, Images in Williamstown, Mass., is has been closed down for a month. But they’ve started suggesting streaming movies they recommend (it costs $10) and that gives us movies and also a way to help them ride out the storm.
So this afternoon we’re going to the theater, picking up popcorn and a ginger cookie – what we usually get.
We’ll buy the refreshments, including a donation, pick-up some take-out at a nearby Indian restaurant, and come home to have dinner and watch a movie in our living room in front of a warm wood stove fire.
It’s nice to support the theater and see a great movie – their choices have been terrific. I used to admire the adaptability of dogs, but I see that we are pretty adaptable ourselves.


  1. This is a good idea, I should suggest it to the Maya here in town. Our local theater has started selling popcorn with 2 large candies for $12 each. You get 2- 1 gallon bags in each order. Plus one winner a week gets a pair of free movie passes, chosen at random. On Friday we buy 2 and that gets us through the week. Wouldn’t it be lovely if that was what they charged when we went to the theater? LOL!

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