25 April

My Willa Cather Girl: Painting The Wooden Shingles

by Jon Katz

We’ve been scraping our wooden shingles for weeks now, and we finally got a warm and dry day to paint them. In a year or so, we will have to replace them, but a coat of paint will buy is some time and give the front of a house a tended look. Maria let me paint for a while and then sent me inside so I could do some writing.


When I came back to help, it was done.


  1. Hi Jon We are in the same fix. Latex stain might work even better for you. We power washed (not intensely) first, then let things dry out, and went over everything with a latex stain that matched the existing color. You can use latex over oil, but not the other way around. The stain penetrates the exposed wood and helps preserve it more than paint does.

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