23 April

My Secret Sheep Socks

by Jon Katz

I’m sharing my new, brightly colored and fun socks, these are compression socks, they were created for marathon runners but they are also great for people with diabetes or heart disease.

They feel great and they are also a way of bringing some discreet but vivid color into the life of a man who only wears blue chambray shirts and blue jeans.

I have this idea that older men should be a bit conservative in the way they dress, I won’t wear shorts or sandals or T-shirts.

People are asking me where I get my socks, but I don’t share those details any longer, not since I wrote about Zinnia’s breeder and several lunatics immediately wrote to her and accused me of murdering Lenore and Rose and killing puppies in my barn.

I’m a crazy person, and before social media, I mostly think of other crazy people as benign.

But the Internet has made it too easy to hate, there are just no consequences, and it is rocket fuel for the angry and resentful. I relish tossing nasty people off of my Facebook Page, it always makes me feel that I am contributing to civilization and free speech in an important way.

But I also like some privacy in my life, and I don’t feel the need to share the details of everything I do or buy. It’s an odd reaction, perhaps unfair, but probably a response to being open about so much of my life. I just need to keep some corners private.

I think my sheep socks are both colorful and appropriate for someone who lives with sheep.



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