23 April

Holy Light. Kindling A Light In The Darkness Of Being

by Jon Katz

Carl Jung wrote that “the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being”. This is as close as I have ever come to understand why I am on this earth for so short a time.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that, said Dr. King. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.

“I am not bound to win,” said Abraham Lincoln, “but I am bound to be true. I am bound to live by the light that I have.” Me too.

Every morning, the first light that I see is the light I call the “holy light” that comes when the sun rises and shines through a wind chime I found online and shines right into my eyes.

In the summer, Maria puts up a cloth to keep the strong light out of our eyes. In the Spring, and after the Dark Days, this is such a welcome thing for me to see before I even rise.

Somehow, it reminds me of what I am about. I believe the spirit is there in all of us, it has to be honored and recognized and brought out into the light.

A lot of people are telling me that these are especially dark days, but to me, they are just days, some dark, some light. We humans have never had clear sailing, our journey has always been difficult, frightening, and full of joy, healing, and promise.

The light is my faith in some ways. What is love and life without light?



  1. I can see how many view these as dark days, but if we can look and see past the waves of media we can see some amazing things happening that may never have happened without this pandemic. Yes it has caused great pain and loss(friends have died from it) but it has caused a great outpouring of love and compassion. It has brought our hamster wheel self centered society to a screeching halt and given people time to reflect and maybe realize that we all have a light to shine into the dark days and maybe if we all allow our light (however small) to shine, these dark days won’t be so dark anymore. Thank you Jon for your openness and your honesty. Your light shines!

  2. Thank you this is beautiful. I would like to repost this to my Facebook page if it is ok. I talk about my very favorite author to everyone who will listen to me. I feel like all that you write is wonderful but this one really registered in my heart. Blessings to you and lovely Maria.

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