23 April

Angry Sky

by Jon Katz

I love angry skies, it’s one of my favorite kinds of photographs. I always think Mother Earth is sending a message, asking for help, warning us to wake up. I sometimes think of Mother Earth as my mother, sometimes my sister.

I think she keeps beating her drum, asking us to pay attention to her before it’s too late. I think of Mother Earth and God as being close, and I think of the Kabbalah, which tells of  God’s impatience with humans who desecrate his real miracle, the earth, not us.

If you don’t take good care of her, he warns, I will abandon you to your own flaws and greed. Wow, talk about a prophecy. If we don’t take care of her, we will be left to our own devices, and we all know how that turns out.

I hear you, I whisper, I see you. But I’m not sure she’s listening any more.


  1. Maybe the Coronavirus is Mother Nature’s way of saying, slow down, look around. There are blue skies and puffy white clouds over Los Angeles, the canals of Venice have cleared and animals are feeling free to wander where they normally wouldn’t go. When this pandemic is over, and we attain some degree of normalcy, are we really going to be okay with going back to smog and polluted water? I think Covid 19 has been a wake up call on many levels. Right now our priorities are to stay safe, flatten the curve and figure out a safe way to get back to work. But climate change isn’t going away and we will have to work harder cooperatively and globally to find cleaner energy sources. I think Mother Nature will approve when you get those solar panels installed in your pasture. One crisis at a time.

  2. Mother nature has plenty to be angry about. Pollution, environmental degradation, treating our oceans as garbage dumps, mass animal destruction, mistreatment of other humans.
    Today, Tyson workers at Iowa pork plant that was just forced to close due to Covid outbreak, say they feel like “sacrificial lambs.”
    One cannot “socially distance” in a high speed slaughterhouse.
    The irony.

  3. I hope we come out of this as a better society where we can learn from our past mistakes and right our wrongs. Don’t ever let optimism get away from you no matter how many times you have been disappointed. Hold tight and believe and fight for right.

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