22 April

Gift Cards. Stranded Graduates, Hungry Families

by Jon Katz

When I send Sue Silverstein her gift cards, she mails them right off or had delivers them to people’s porches or mailboxes.

This week, she discovered that several Bishop Maginn graduates from last year are stranded in their apartments and struggling, they lost their jobs and can’t pay the rent or buy groceries. These kids are on their own; they walk a fine line between work and school. Their parents can’t help them financially with college, so the pressure is on them.

They aren’t sure they will be able to return to their colleges this year or in the fall.

Their lives are in limbo, along with this year’s seniors and their families.

We are helping them buy food, along with about 30-40 of the refugee students and their families. Your gift card gifts have been a lifesaver; the families can’t thank you enough.

Everyone in the Bishop Maginn family has good and nutritious food to eat.

Some of our gift cards went to last year’s seniors. The rest are going out to current Bishop Maginn students and their families. Sue says it’s bad out there.

Above are the gift cards I received yesterday, and thank you. Your support is very welcome; Sue says she has never known so many people to ask for help. These refugee families are intensely proud and self-sufficient.

They seldom ask for help.

So I want to keep this program going. You can see or purchase a gift card here in any amount. If the total amount is $300 or over, you may be asked to activate the card a day or so after purchasing it. This is simple and is done by e-mail.

The cards need to be shipped to my home address. Bishop Maginn High School is closed, and gift cards can’t be sent to post office addresses.

If you purchase a gift card, please have it sent to me, Jon Katz. 2502 State Route 22, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Small amounts or donations are very welcome. They add up. You can see and buy the gift cards here.

And thank you. If you are not comfortable purchasing the cards online, I’ll be happy to do it for you. You can send a check to my home address – above – or Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

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