20 April

Zinnia Learns Social Distancing

by Jon Katz

I’m figuring out how to keep Zinnia in training for her therapy work and also give the locked up Mansion residents some joy.

Yesterday and today, I dropped some things off at the Mansion – stamps for Bert and Sylvie, and yes, some cigarettes for Georgiann, some masks for the aides. I leave them with notes attached at the front door and the aides collect them and distribute them.

I’m still ordering pizzas for the aides, lunch, and dinner. Tomorrow is Goulash Day, catered by Jean’s Place (along with five pies).

I have a new idea for the Mansion – ice cream sundaes delivered once a week by Stewart’s, a local convenience store chain and ice cream maker. They have special Sundae kits with ice cream and fixings.

It costs $69 a kit and I’m going to have one made and delivered once a week. It will feed 50 people. The residents love sundaes.

As for Zinnia, when I go to the Mansion I let her out of the car, having sprayed her with disinfectant spray for dogs. She runs up on the porch, where some residents are usually sitting.

I call for her to sit down – our form of social distance – and she does. If one of the residents wants to pet or hug her, I release her. She loves doing this and the residents are thrilled to see her.

I had a nice talk with Claudia from about 25 feet away. When they’re done, I call Zinnia back – she’s trying to win over Summer, the Mansion cat – and we leave.

She gets sprayed and so do I.

I like the sundaes idea.

Thanks for your support. If you wish to contribute to the Mansion work you can do so via Paypal, jon@bedlamfarm.com, or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. And thanks.


  1. Twenty years as an RT and I have never lectured any friend about smoking. There is no point. My friends that smoke know it’s killing them, they don’t need to hear it from me. In the last month, that has changed. I have been BEGGING my friends not to smoke. I am working full time in a COVID unit. I realize that it’s hard to deny the Mansion residents their few pleasures, especially now. But when they have no access to cigarettes, their lungs heal a little each day, even elderly people experience this improvement. This virus is RAVAGING smokers. To the point that we have removed all health care professionals that smoke from the Covid Unit. They are at much too high risk. If, and I hope this doesn’t happen, Covid-19 attacks the Mansion, I promise you that the smokers will be the first infected. They will not recover. I know you will do what you want, but I could not have a clear conscience without writing this. Now the choice is yours, but I feel better having said my piece.

    1. I heard you Deborah, truly, I’ve had the same conversation, I don’t think I can tell 85 year old people what to do, they are aware of the consequences..

      1. But they have no access to cigarettes unless someone brings them. I strongly suggest that no one brings any.

        1. Yes, I understand what you are strongly suggesting Deborah, it’s not fuzzy. That is not something I am asking for or being governed by. I strongly suggest that I make my own decisions, and I do so carefully and with considerable thought. I respect their independence and right to make decisions about their lives, assisted care is not a prison, they don’t give up their rights, and no one has given me the right to judge them. And you are wrong, they can always get cigarettes if they wish to. They’ve been smoking as long as I’ve known them, and I have rarely bought them cigarettes. It’s not for me to make these decisions about their lives.

        2. as a smoker for 40 years and successfully quit at age 66 (i’m now 70), i can tell you, no one EVER EVER quits…unles they are highly motivated and some (like me) need CHANTIX or some kind of aid to help. There but for the grace of GOD go I …and you Deborah so please, keep your opinions about strongly suggesting “no one” take older folks cigarettes….at 85 i think they can make the life choices without anyone shaming them or telling them something they most assurdly know.

  2. Dear Jon,
    Thank you, thank you, thank for neutralizing your political thoughts! Your comments about the current President are not appropriate for a man with such a large heart, filled with giving and loving!
    Your compassion for humankind is truly inspirational!!
    Love you and Maria and all the Bedlam animals,
    Rebecca and Paul Hensley

    1. Rebecca, not sure what you are saying, it’s not possible for me or anyone to neutralize their thoughts, I have mine and you have yours and we both should keep them and express them any way we wish. I don’t tell you how to express yourself, I don’t let anyone tell me. I have made no inappropriate comments that I know of, if you have any in mind let me know..I don’t write from the left or the right, but from my heart. Sometimes you won’t like it, it’s called democracy..j

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