13 April

Gratitude: Thanks From Bishop Maginn And The Mansion

by Jon Katz

I got two gratitude messages today, one is a card from the Mansion residents, the other is a picture of the Price Chopper Gift Cards that went out today to some of the refugee families who need food. Because of you, more than 30 families will not go hungry tonight, or anytime in the next few days.

I want to thank the Army Of Good, the true benefactors behind these gifts, which one mother called a “miracle.” I hope we can keep the gift cards coming, I could cry when I think of the difference they have made.

“I spent the morning sending out gift cards. So many, thanks,” wrote Sue Silverstein of Bishop Maginn this morning. “There is no way I could do this without your help.”

The gift card program continues.

If you wish to participate, we could still use some help. These refugee family providers could be out of work for a while. You can buy gift cards in any amount. If your purchase is greater than $300, you may need to activate the card, if so, you will be notified by e-mail.

The cards need to be sent to my address, the school is closed and gift cards can’t be sent to a post office box. So please send them to Jon Katz, 2502 State Route 22, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. This crisis has taken these poor refugee families to the brink, your cards have brought them back. Thank you. You can see and purchase the gift cards here.

If you would rather not purchase things online, or don’t know how you can send a check to me, and  I’ll buy the gift cards for you:

Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or at 2502 State Route 22, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816

I also got a beautiful signed card from the Mansion today, the card is really for you good people. The most impactful things we have been doing for the Mansion residents – they have been in lockdown for a month – have been daily pizza deliveries for the aides and wonderful lunches for the residents – Lasagna, Mac N’Chees, subs, pies and cupcakes from Jean’s Place.

I’ve purchased masks for the aides, painting easels for the residents, and art supplies, books, and movies. I’m gathering money to buy toys for the children of the aides and staff while the kids are at home without friends or school (you can contribute via Paypal, jon@bedlamfarm.com or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. I can’t do a Wish List because Amazon is a bit of mess these days, they are out of most toys.)

The residents love the food and look forward to it all day. It is delicious but also breaks up the monotony. The residents have been inside the Mansion for a month now, it’s getting to them.

We’ve re-started the Pen Pal program, if you wish, please adopt one of the residents and write to them. They are loving the messages they are getting, and thanks.: julia@the If they can, they will write back.

You can also send a message by e-mail through Julia Harlin, the Mansion Activities Director:julia@thecambridgemansion.com. Or by letter, photo or postcard to The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

The resident Pen Pals are Edith, Dale and Gary,  Ellen, Matt, Gerry, Sylvie, Joanne, Madeline, Brother Peter, Helen, Georgianna, Georgiann, Barbara, Alanna, Linda, Annette, Peggie, Becky, Jean, Roberta (Bert), Ben, John, Jim, Claudia, Ruth.

Thanks for your support. If you wish to support the Mansion/Refugee work, you can do so via Paypal, jon@bedlamfarm.com, or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion/Refugee Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

We are doing some eye-popping good, and thanks.


  1. I have really been enjoying your blog lately, thank you for sharing your thoughts and words with us. Can you, in a nutshell, tell me about the Mansion. You’ve mentioned it often, and I love your current project but I don’t know where to read more about what the Mansion is. Thanks, Sharon

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