12 April

Happy Easter: What It Means To Me

by Jon Katz

Happy Easter, Christians.

I am not a Christian, but I have been interested in Jesus Christ for much of my life, and today, like so many others, I will be thinking of Rebirth and Resurrection – of hope, faith, decency, and a more moral and compassionate world.

Easter has not yet been co-opted by the corporate world as a chance to sell more things, as has happened to Christmas and Thanksgiving.

The new American faith sometimes seems to be lying, cynicism and the pursuit of online discounts. I think of Easter as a holiday of faith and family, important things always, especially now.

I wish everyone who follows this holiday a peaceful and meaningful day. I intend to take a long walk in the woods with Zinnia and Maria and Fate today and think long and hard about the meaning of rebirth in my own life. Hope, always hope.


  1. Jon, thank you for this plain spoken greeting of Easter Hope. Here is a poem I wrote for this past Good Friday that is also about the rebirth you point to.
    good friday: a poem

    What’s happening?
    Does it have to be?
    Where’s the Light?
    So dark,
    can’t see what’s ahead,
    can no longer see
    what has been left behind.
    Only now, only now,
    only now
    glimpses of goodness
    in the blackness
    mercy, forgiveness, sacrifice, grace, love, hope…….
    a future………an Easter
    Straight ahead
    Through the darkness.
    (chuck Schwartz 4/10/2020)

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