12 April

Fate Is Not Allowed On The Furniture

by Jon Katz

Fate is not allowed on the furniture, of course, but if I come downstairs in the night for any reason, she seems to be up on my favorite chair. She knows how to get comfortable and stretch out, I loved this image of her at 4 a.m., quite at peace with the world.


  1. If I could put words to that picture Jon it would be Fate smiling at you Jon saying sure Jon I am not allowed on the furniture?. It is a great picture ?

  2. thank you Jon for making me grin hugely on a day when I don’t feel up to grinning at all. Just a blue mood….which is rare for me, and I am taking it in stride and reflecting on my inner self. But this? This photo is *how* to smile. Many thanks to you for that
    Susan M

  3. Thanks for the giggle. After 16 years with an awesome, loving Australian Cattle Dog / Queenslamd Heeler and then 16 years without a dog at all, we adopted another “Queenie” from ” Second Chance. She was about 2 years old, and the total opposite of our first beloved. (now we know why she was at second chance) It has been a rough 2 years of adjusting and learning her ways, but we have survived and for the most part she is a wonderful companion. She also is “not allowed ” on furniture. Her new “thing” is to come flying and land in the middle of the couch and my lap. This too shall pass. It’s nice to know we are not alone. Thanks for the years of entertainment, insight and kindness you have passed along to my family.

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