10 April

“When We Are Stricken…” Home Is Within You, Or Nowhere At All…

by Jon Katz

We met a Barred Owl in the woods today, he was calm and curious, he didn’t flinch when we came close and whipped out our camera. It is unusual to see an owl sit so close to us, we’ve often heard his baritone hoot, but rarely seen him.

Owls seem so full of wisdom, so self-contained, creatures of solitude. This one wanted to pose for us. Another gift from the trees.

He took in the dogs and Maria and me, and then sailed off quietly to a taller tree, farther away, as if he had seen enough, and said what he had to say.

The forest feels like a cathedral to me, a place of peace, contemplation, and nature. Herman Hesse, the poet, and novelist wrote beautifully about trees:

Trees are sanctuaries,” wrote Herman Hesse. “Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.”

When we are stricken and cannot bear our lives any longer, then a tree has something to say to us: Be still! Be still! Look at me! Life is not easy, life is not difficult. Those are childish thoughts. Let God speak within you, and your thoughts will grow silent. You are anxious because your path leads away from mother and home. But every step and every day lead you back again to the mother. Home is neither here nor there. Home is within you, or home is nowhere at all.”



  1. Oh, Owls are the most welcome guest of the forests! I love them, as you said, their eyes are really like tunnels into time…I have probably seen, no exaggeration, 100 owls, or the same owls, 100 times, it’s hard to tell. When I see them I go back to the same place, at the same time and I usually see them again, over and over. One year an endangered type of huge grey owl was up here. A couple years ago…National Geographic, the big news guys, all running around with huge cameras on wheels, taking its picture. That owl was here all winter. One night around supper time I was out to see it, had my dogs with me in my car, and I got out to just stand and see where it could be. The owl was about 6’ feet from me, didn’t make a sound, swooped right at me I thought it was going to land on me, it then did a huge loop like a big circle and came right back and stared at me, like, “ see what I can do!”… my dogs were watching, never made a sound. Not even the hound…It was just me, the owl and.my dogs that night. Such a spiritual experience , are owls.

  2. Jon, loved this piece – the forest as a cathedral. I, too, consider being outside as my church. It’s where I feel most connected to Source. We don’t have a forest, we do have a back yard that we love. Ours is a sanctuary for birds, mostly sparrows. We don’t mind them as others do; they are industrious and wonderful parents, and so chirpy! I sit and watch them, and have taken hundreds of pictures of them and their babies. I love the Barred Owl picture. Went on an “Owl Prowl” late at night, a few years ago, at a State Park, where they taught us how to hoot for Barred Owls! “Who Cooks for Youuuuuu?” was the call. They heard us and a few came to see us. It was magical!

  3. Love the solitude and moodiness of this owl portrait – thanks for sharing part of your walk in the woods Jon.

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