10 April

A Moment For The Dead: 16,736 As Of Today

by Jon Katz

Sometimes I think the coronavirus is really about political maneuvering in Congress or the re-election effort of politicians, or about whether the stock market is up or down. So every day, I want to pause for a minute or two and think of the dead.

As of today, 16,736 Americans have been killed by this virus, most of them older, or sick, or African-American, or Latino. I want to remember that this is about people, mothers, fathers, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, friends,  neighbors, and friends.

I don’t want to forget that in all of the drama and confusion.

I’m going to take a minute or two to think about them, at least once every day. Once again, I am touched by the clarity, honesty, and humanity of the governor of my state, Andrew Cuomo.

I appreciate the facts and passion of his daily presentations. And also his common sense. I know where we stand, I know where I stand. I appreciate his sense of humanity and humility, two traits not always associated with him.

In a crisis like this, I think we all rise to the moment or fall to it. It is a hopeful thing for me to see some elements of government rising up to take care of us and lead us through bewildering and frightening time.

At the moment, New York is the epicenter of the coronavirus spread, and his daily press conference is a remarkable demonstration of the need and power of good government. I recommend it to anyone who feels lost and wants to fully grasp what is happening.

His comments are never divisive and are not political, and do not seek to blame or divide. They transcend the awful paralysis of the divisions gripping the country and rise above them.

And it is calming and hopeful to feel as if I am hearing the truth, no matter how difficult.


    1. Robert, my heart sinks a bit when I read this. I get a flu vaccine every year because I know so many people who died of the flu, I am careful to never miss it. I know it is fashionable in some political parts to claim the flue is the same as the coronavirus, but I’m afraid that it is both false and ignorant.

      My doctors are all over me to get a flu vaccine, and they seem able to also worry about people getting this new and cruel virus. Most humans are able to feel sorry for more than one thing.

      If you didn’t worry about the 60 to 70,000 Americans who die of the flu every year, shame on you.

      If you can’t care about these victims, I feel very sorry for you. Rather than write ignorant messages on social media to strangers, perhaps you might take a minute to pray for a vaccine for the coronavirus, which people of a certain age and condition who succumb are 10 times more likely to die from than the flu.

      And the deaths are a lot harder. Thank God there is a vaccine for the flu, we can protect ourselves from it to some degree. I surely do miss the people I know who died from it. Maybe in a year or so that will be true of this new virus. Shame on you for having such a small mind and a cold heart and for making such a profoundly stupid comparison. And if we didn’t feel sorry for the people who die from the flu, does that mean it’s fine to never feel sorry for anyone who dies again?

      I hope you never write such an ignorant and cynical message again, for your sake. I will ban you if you show up here again with such an offensive message, with great pride and satisfaction. Being an a…… is no virtue.

      1. Jon, you have said this so well. When I hear comparisons like this reader has made, I hear “dog whistles”. It is a false equivalence to compare annual flu deaths and the deaths from COVID-19 and those who make it know it. Ditto the comparisons made between this deadly virus and deaths from wars, which I have also seen made. These comparisons are the hobgoblins of ignorance and small minds. Those who make these comparisons, though they want to sound like they are brave in the face of this virus, are really frightened. They try to self-soothe by setting up false arguments using statistics and numbers that don’t belong in the same sentence, let alone in proper logic. If this virus is “just like the flu” then it’s no big deal. But it IS a big deal – a very big deal. And the world will be forever changed because of it.

    1. Oh, I’m sorry Linda, how foolish I am to believe the CDC and doctors. I’ll just take your world for it and lie…okay?

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