7 April

Video:Come And Walk With Us In The Woods Again, Day 2

by Jon Katz

I’ve gotten a lot of messages asking for more walks in the woods. So here’s another. This one is with me and Zinnia, as most of them are. Sometimes Quinn, a neighborhood dog, joins us. Sometimes Fate and Maria come along.

The video runs about four minutes, I’m mostly quiet, Zinnia took off after a deer, but came when called, and flopped around in her favorite mud pond. Otherwise, it was still and peaceful, and if you can’t go for a walk in the woods right now, perhaps this will help you as you wait inside for normalcy.

The woods we walk in are beautiful, the couple that owns them tends to them carefully and lovingly. I am grateful for letting us walk.

I’ll keep them coming as long as you want to see them. Much love and peace to you, I do believe this will be over soon. Normalcy will not come all at once, but it will come. I’m learning patience and perspective.

I need this every day, it is a meditation all of its own.


  1. Thank you Jon and Zinnia, I enjoyed that so much. Zinnia definitely is a lab by how much she enjoys water.

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