7 April

Portrait: Beautiful Photo Day

by Jon Katz

I can’t think of a better way to continue Beautiful Photo Day than to take a photo of this beautiful spirit.

My idea for today is to follow Joseph Campbell’s idea that the role of the artist is to bring color and light into the world and explain what it means.

For me, taking a portrait of Maria is an act of love. Beautiful Photo Day should also begin with a poem by Hafiz, the poet of love:

How Did the rose

ever open its heart.

And give to the world

All its beauty?

It felt the encouragement of light

Against its Being,

Otherwise, We all remain

Too Frightened.” — Hafiz.


  1. Regrading your comment “I think I found my groove thought, a way to write about the context of the virus and not the virus itself.” Yes – you certainly have. I only discovered your blog last week, thanks to a share by Barry Ritzholtz in his daily email. I have shared several of your posts with family and friends, many of whom have expressed appreciation for the depth and clarity of your thinking. Thanks for helping many of us reassess and better understand the politics, drama and spiritual dimensions of our pandemic.

  2. Your spirit and artist are shining through and easing my soul, so that I can again open my mind and let go of my fury.

  3. I am new to the “Farm” and so very glad I found you. You are indeed bringing color and light in to this time. Thank you for sharing your touching, intelligent, and thoughtful thinking to our lives. Be well.

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