7 April

Beautiful Photo Day: Clothesline

by Jon Katz

I love the image of a clothesline blowing in the wind. It is iconic and soothing, a timeless American image, now banned in snooty housing complexes and neighborhoods.

I love the smell of wind-blown clothes and their feel.

A clothesline belongs on Beautiful Photo Day.


  1. I couldn’t agree with you more! The clothes always smell so good. I remember when our kids were babies and I hung cloth diapers on the line, a beautiful sight to see blowing in the wind.

  2. I always enjoy seeing a clothesline full of clothes and especially sheets. We live in a snooty neighborhood as you say, but I don’t care, my son put a line up for me anyway. So far no one has said anything about my clothesline. I think they would have a fight on there hands. We are supposed to save energy and we can’t leave the house, what are we to do. I am 76 years old, that is what people did for many years and I have done it all my life. moving from Connecticut to Tennessee just last year.

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