24 March

So Long Griselle, Queen Of The Pasture

by Jon Katz

I don’t cry for sheep or mourn them much, I’ve mostly interacted with them with a border collie alongside, so we have always practiced social distancing. But I had a soft spot for Griselle, I thought of her as the Queen Of The Sheep.

Griselle had lots of attitude. She had a piercing stare and was not skittish like many sheep are. The photo above was taken shortly after she arrived here, she hadn’t been shorn in years and much of her wool had felted.

She fit in well, although she and the other three Romneys pretty much kept to themselves, they seemed to think they were too good for the others. She did what  Red told her to do, but at her own pace and in her own way.

In recent weeks, she was flagging, confused and losing her sight. Maria found her dead in the pasture this morning after a surprise snowstorm.

We both are glad she died a natural death, although a lot of people don’t realize that being shot is often much more humane for a sheep than Mother Nature or a vet offers.

So long, girl,  you were  a real presence here.


  1. Thank you Jon and Maria for taking her when you did. Big G was always fantastic. You gave her the life she deserved. She was blessed with you.

  2. I’m glad you and Griselle enriched each others’ lives, and that she passed quietly, and naturally.

    For gratitude points, you were spared yet another agony of soul searching and decision making about whether to perform the final mercy to a suffering animal.

    Griselle is prancing and gamboling across the Rainbow Bridge…

  3. This one made me cry, or maybe I’m just crying for myself and the Mansion residents and the refugee students and the whole situation – the loneliness, isolation, fear, uncertainly of the times. Griselle was a fortunate sheep lady to have lived on Bedlam Farm. What an awesome picture. RIP sweet girl. I’m glad you didn’t have to shoot her, even though I’m glad you can do that when needed.
    Loved the picture of Ellen and you at the Mansion yesterday. How fortunate they are to have you and Maria and Zinnia visit them – even through the glass. Take care and be blessed. Love you guys.

  4. Griselle, One of the beautiful GANG OF FOUR. Arrived at Bedlam Farm II with barbed wired in your wool.
    I will always love you, Griselle.

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