It often looks like Zinnia is mauling Bud, a Boston Terrier about one-sixth her size.
That would be a mistake. Bud is scrapper, a true wrestler, a little dog who thinks he’s just as big as she is. Sometimes Zinnia gets over him and chews on his head, he grabs her collar and rolls her right over.
These two can do this for hours, and I’ve never seen one harm the other or get annoyed.
They love each other!!
My friend and I own Heidi and Bella, two Airedales who are litter mates. They were in puppy kindergarten together and part of each class was off leash play so the puppies could learn how to interact with other dogs. Heidi and Bella always played “bitey face”, a term known to Airedale owners that involves lots of open mouth growling, showing of teeth and grabbing each other by the neck. Other owners would get alarmed and tell us to separate our dogs because they were fighting and would hurt each other. Every time we explained that no, they were only playing, we’d get these raised eyebrow looks from the other owners. Other than being covered in each other’s slobber, no harm done! ?