Bud is a big snorer, you can hear him snoring all over the house. Two of the biggest traits of the Boston Terrier are passing gas and also snoring, because of their narrow snouts.
Maria claims I snore often, and that she used to find it annoying (she did leave out that she is a pretty good snorer herself, she is rarely awake to hear me snore, I am often awake to hear her and Bud snore together, in perfect harmony sometimes.)
She wrote about this on herĀ blog, and I have to say she is right. Bud has taught both of us to be comfortable with snoring, even in the symphony of the night that I alone hear.
Bud is a champion cuddler, he can fit into the narrowest and tightest of spaces. When I take a nap he loves to sneak up in my lap and curl up. I like it. Zinnia tries to do this, but she is a sweet dog, but not a graceful dog, she usually falls right over the side of her chair.
Photo by Maria Wulf.