11 March

How Zinnia Deals With Therapy Dog Stress

by Jon Katz

Zinnia is very much loved at Bishop Maginn. One of the students came up to me this morning and asked me if Zinnia ever got stressed doing therapy work. I turned around and saw her taking a nap in the hallway of the school seconds after a couple of hundred students stepped over and around her in their rush to get to class.

“I don’t think so,” I said. I think Zinnia will live a long and full life. She has a great philosophy about the world. When we first enter the school, she is mobbed by students, many of them shouting and yelling greetings to her and rubbing her belly, kissing her on the nose, sitting down and hugging her.

When the halls emptied, Zinnia looked around, and finding neither food nor kids to cuddle with or play with, she just rolled over on her side and went to sleep. I think I’m going to ask her to give me some lessons about stress.

Maybe it’s because dogs don’t care about the news of humans.

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