8 March

Lifting The Heart – People Are Good

by Jon Katz

My friend and neighbor Bev Carroll – she runs the consignment shop in town with her daughter Kayla, they have been so generous with clothes for the Mansion – read my blog and texted me last night saying she had some anti-bacterial wipes for me to take to New York City today.

I said no, I didn’t want to take her wipes and thanked her. She came over this morning with the wipes, and I took them. They made Maria feel so much easier about the trip, and I felt good about having them.

This is a small thing, but a big thing. Up here we got our first case of coronavirus last night, a local pharmacist. Bev didn’t have to do this, she just wanted to reach out and help.

So I’m carrying these wipes around me all day and I will use them. I wouldn’t take all of her wipes, she might need some of her own. I do not expect to contract this virus in New York, but I am happy to be reminded once more that people are good given the chance.

Each act of empathy and compassion is a ray of light in a world that is sometimes dark.  A fine way to start our trip. We can look for the good or listen all day to the bad.Bev reminds me of the choice I make every day.


  1. These wipes may help protect against bacteria but the COVID-19 is a VIRUS not a bacteria. These have NO effect on viruses. People are panicking and not thinking sensibly about this issue.

  2. Bacterial hand wipes seem to be ruling the roost as it were! I have just come out from 3 days in hispital where both doctors and nurses are stressing the use of SOAP and water being just as good if not better at reaching corners and creases.

    Your website is spreading so much quiet advice and confidence that I thought I would mention the above…

  3. Alcohol based sanitizers and wipes do work to kill these types of viruses, which have a surrounding lipid layer that the alcohol breaks down. Careful handwashing physically removes the virus particles, although not necessarily all of them. This is from the CDC.

    1. That assessment is far from unanimous Susan, my doctor and others say otherwise..I don’t really know myself, there seems to be argument and debate about everything..

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