4 March

Wish List Sold Out (And What Do I Say To A Penguin?)

by Jon Katz

I want to thank everyone, the new Bishop Maginn Wish List for Healthy Snacks and Lunch sold out in record-breaking time. This is wonderful to see; I hope it leaves you with as much hope and promises as it leaves me.

People are so good given a chance; we are not the hateful and greedy and broken nation you see on the news every night. What you did tonight will never make their news, but it is a beautiful story about the very best in humanity coming together to do good.

Thanks so much. I will keep everyone posted on this issue, if necessary, we’ll come back at it in small and focused ways. Blessings, blessings…to the Army Of Good.


So this Sunday, we’re going to the Bronx Zoo in New York City to make right on our Valentine’s Day presents to one another. I bought the right for Maria to name a Hissing Cockroach from Madagascar and she bought me 30 minutes of quality time with a Penguin at the zoo.

Her gift to me was a lot more expensive than my gift to her. A small group of people will sit in a room with a Penguin for about half an hour, and I am getting a bit nervous about what one does with a Penguin for 30 minutes?

Maria hopes to see her hissing cockroach – now named Jackie – or at least see where he lives.

Should I try to talk to my new friend, the Penguin? Make eye contact? Prepare some questions. I’ve never met a Penguin before and am not likely to meet another one any time soon, so I don’t want to blow the chance.

I’m meeting my granddaughter Robin and her mother, Emma, at the zoo earlier in the afternoon, perhaps Robin has some ideas for me. She is precocious beyond three years. If anyone has any ideas about conversation starters for Penguins, let me know. I will surely bring my camera.

Maria will be with me, she bought herself a ticket to meet the Penguin also. She’ll know what to say.

The Bishop Maginn Wish List for hungry kids touched a lot of hearts. And filled my heart with hope. We are a community, no skipping around it.


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