The Bishop Maginn Amazon Prom And Graduation Wish List sold out yesterday, and thank you. We are helping to give them a celebration they richly deserve.
I also wanted to share a message I received this morning from Sue Silverstein on behalf of Bishop Maginn and the seniors you helped:
“I just wanted to send all of our heartfelt thanks to the Army of Good for their overwhelming generosity. Our students are a source of great pride for us. Some of them have traveled very difficult roads to get to this point and as we near the end of their journey with us, we will, with your help, be able to give them an, even more, special send-off. We feel as any proud parent would feel as their children prepare to leave the safety of home and make a better world. We delight in all they have accomplished and can’t wait to watch them impact positive change. Your help and love will allow us to say goodbye in a joyful celebration! Thank you all for that!
With much love and gratitude,
Sue and the BMHS Students.”
Thank you, Sue, to you and the students and Mike Tolan, the principal at BMHS, for letting me in, and letting us help. You are helping a lot of people by letting us help you. Bishop Maginn is the real deal, a place of comfort and safety. I am proud to know you all and work with me, and with Zinnia of course.
You are a gift to us, and I am grateful every day for all of you, and for the very big hearts of the Army Of Good.