Please help Zinnia support the school she loves.
Zinnia has been adopted by Bishop Maginn High School’s Senior Class as their official mascot for their forthcoming graduation. They also voted her as a spokesperson and cheer dog for the new Bishop Magin High School Prom And Graduation Wish List posted this morning.
Help if you can. This is the sweetest and most deserving and least expensive Wish List I’ve ever put up. Zinnia adores Bishop Maginn, her tail starts wagging when we pull into the parking lot, and she has more friends there than I can name.
They have watched her grow up, loved her, helped me train her and learn what a good therapy dog does. She will make a great poster dog for the new Wish List
Last night, hearing the news about the virus and watching a few disheartening minutes of the Democratic debate, I decided to postpone posting the Wish List until this morning, when the meaning and power – and need – of doing good would be crystal clear.
I got a great lift out of doing that, it was like taking a deep breath and exhaling all the poison and fear in the atmosphere. Try it if you doubt me.
This morning, I went onto the Wish List and bought four items for a total of $28.
This is how we can remain hopeful and grounded, no matter how much awful news they pour onto us. If she could speak, Zinnia would be the first to say this list – inexpensive from top to bottom – will make an enormous difference to these children, who are used to having to fend for themselves, along with their families, and doing without.
I wanted to cry when I saw how much these children love and trust Zinnia, one of the girls said “she is a spirit dog, come to help us.” Yes! She said in her country white animals were spirit animals, come to bring good things.
These children and their families have suffered enough and sacrificed everything to come to this country, where they are often made to feel unwelcome and are no longer being supported by their new government.
I hope we can help give them proper graduation, as they go off to college and build themselves a new life in our country, which they love no matter what.
Helping with this wishlist is great fun. I’m so happy and proud of all the students who will be graduating.
Thanks Susie, I’m proud of all of you..Just three items to go.. (15 of one)